I’ve been using my Direto Elite trainer on Zwift for about two years.
I’m using ant+ on a PC/ windows 10. I also have Zwift Companion running on my Android phone.
Paired device settings:
Power Source: Elite FE-C 7666
Cadence: Elite FE-C 7666
Controller: Elite FE-C 7666
Heart Rate: has my Garmin strap
My last “good” ride was April 16th. Next Zwift ride was April 27th. That was when I could no longer get my trainer to respond.
I’ve power cycled - used a different Ant+, moved it closer. nothing gets it to work. My E-Power app seems to think everything on the trainer is working correctly. I have not been able to get a non-automated response from Zwift support.
Any help would be appreciate.
Still no help from support. I’ve tried not u
sing ZC and using to no avail.
I’m now going up 8+% grades in my highest gear. Everything in the game appears to be working except the resistance.
I have the same trainer and also same syncing issues.
I was required to do a Zwift auto update on log on and I think this is what screwed it all up.
I have just binned the idea of using Zwift for a few days and hope they sort update issue.
Really frustrating but only logical explanation is update is issue.
Good luck with support!
I agree. I do believe the issue was caused by an “upgrade.” I’ve received two responses, one was to contact and work with Direto to insure trainer was working correctly, that took two weeks, and the other was to research the forum for suggestions .
My trainer is fine according to the manufacturer. That leaves Zwift. I’m hoping they don’t take a to long to respond and fix.