Easy rides etc

I have had a few months zwifting now.

I have ongoing back / knee issues - riding outside is fine - but I am bit wary of doing longer rides on zwift -

Ive mainly been doing just ride - but wonder if anyone can suggest other rides maybe group rides

Im no racer - and even outside average 14 MPH is good for me …

Any suggestions welcome - thank you.

The Robo Pacers offer always available group style rides at varying levels of pace starting at 1.1w/kg

How do I find out my w/kg ?

Take your FTP. Divide it by your weight in kg.

I’m at 235 watts FTP. 73kg. My wkg is therefore 3.2.

For an endurance ride, I want to be at about 65% of that, so I usually ride with Maria, who’s at 2.2 wkg.

If I want to work harder, after I’m warmed up I’ll teleport to Coco for a bit. When I’ve had enough - back to Maria. I might even jump to Miguel for my cooldown.


I haven’t ever measured my FTP - can I get indication from the rides I have done - or do I need to do an FTP workout.

A few low-paced group rides include RO4H, EZ Riders, Wobble Cycling Club. You can find their events on the zwifthacks.com events page.

If you’re a Facebook user, this is a frequently asked question in the Zwift Beginners group. Posting there will produce a load of suggestions, or you can search old posts and then read the comments.

If you sign up for zwiftpower.com and your rides are set to “public” you will get some free analysis of your power output from events (group rides, group workouts, races).

If you are looking for steady rides, think about what sort of wattage you would like to do. Then divide that by your weight in kilos.

It doesn’t need to be your FTP, just the power that you want to ride at.


cryogen have some good group rides, with a real fun one on a friday at 11

Just join in a pacer ride - maybe start with Maria. Ride for a while, see how that feels. If it’s easier than you want, step up a bit to a “harder” pacer. If it’s harder, drop down a bit to an easier one. It’s possible that you’ll not always want the same one, depending upon your goals and fitness levels.

Probably best you can do is just stick on Tempus Fugit and completely ignore other groups, robopacers, just find a comfortable power level and stick with it.

Other groups might be a temptation to go faster than you should.

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While robo rides are good (steady and always available) they tend to be less social (aka chatty) than group rides, so if you want that you may want check out some group rides.

The Herd offers a lot of lower w/kg rides (including ones paced for rehab) each week. Here’s a link to their rides on Zwift Hacks.

Edit: Here’s there website too

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14 mph is rather not that fast. I would therefore advise you to use a slow D-pacer. Using Zwift will help you with the knee problems and you can do longer rides. Indoors you can choose a comfortable riding position because there is no headwind. This should also help with back issues.

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I’m a big fan of this level of diplomacy. :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:


That’s true, if you do chat it’s rather common that someone will get very cranky with you in those robopacer group rides.