Custom jerseys

Would love to see a custom jersey tool. Personally, I’d pay a few bucks to customize/personalize my look. The more robust the custom options, the more I’d pay, probably capping around 15 bucks.

Please follow and vote up this request/thread: Club jersey for Bolt Race Team

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:rofl: Good luck! If your search custom jerseys on here, you’ll quickly understand why I’m laugh.

Really, what is the purpose of your post?

Because this topic has reached comical levels for me. There are over 50 posts requesting the same or similar things as you, each just left waiting for Zwift to allow people to have some sort of customization for their kit.

Buddy you gotta ride outside more. You’re laughing because an idea is popular?

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It is more of a “Get in line” scenario.
I have 600 people waiting for a custom group jersey. custom jerseys hit a snag about a year ago or so. Since then, mostly pro teams can get a jersey nearly overnight. but, the rest of us wait and wait and wait.
If they ever would do individual jersey creator…I would think it to be a 10 million dollar drop shop purchase or level 75.
Then there would have to be Jersey Police to avoid jerseys no child should see or any of us for that matter.

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Because there are plenty of popular / money making ideas but Zwift don’t entertain us casual riders.

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No he is laughing because we have been asking for this for years and no matter how popular the idea for reasons only Zwift must know they dont want to offer it . There has been occassional attempts to reply to say how technically difficult it is but anyone who has been even casually involved in massive multiple player universes out there know this is simply not tenable. The only reason most of us think they have not offered this Zwift is more concerned with monetarising and fostering business relationships rather than consumer ones. That may or may not be a good shout , time will tell .


It probably has to do with the fact that people who customise jerseys do dorkish things and make willy’s on them.
This goes against the code of ethics of zwift.

However, having a Jersey that can have stripes horizontal or vertical or sloped self coloured by the vendor would be nice to produce your own customised Jersey.

Zwift has the issue of getting a Jersey in 3d type computer speak so it looks neat n tidy all the time from any angle.

That is the problem with custom jerseys you want to use. It’s too hard for them to produce at a high standard.

Custom jerseys , nice idea.
Alas, those stupid idiots would spoil it with obscene ones.

So it will never get off the ground.

Just remember when Zwift told us that we don’t actually know what we want. :unamused: * manic laughter*