It seems The Coros Heart Rate monitor does not broadcast heart rate to Zwift when bridged through the Zwift Companion phone app. This makes it impossible to ride on Zwift on Apple TV. It appears to connect but wont broadcast. Any thoughts?
If your trainer supports HRM bridging that would be another thing to try. I have no experience with that HRM so I don’t know if there’s anything strange about it. Does the HRM work with any other apps?
Hello, did you ever find a resolution to this issue? I have the same scenario needing to pair when bridged through ZC app due to Apple TVs BLE restrictions on the number of connections. I can see the HRM after pairing, but it consistently reports no signal.
Unfortunately not. My garmin epix functions well and i use the coros paired with 1040 irl rides. Gave up debating it with coros as went round in circles, them wanting me to be satisfied they had helped, me saying only fixing it will help. They kind of suggested their engineers may come up with a solution in the futre. It wasn’t cheap so im disappointed
Disappointing to hear, but thanks for the feedback. I’ll continue to use my HRM only with my Garmin for irl rides it seems as well.