Constant Crashes on Win11 with AMD Integrated Graphics Ryzen 5

I am sick to death of Zwift ruining my training and I have canceled my membership and gone back to Trainer Road. I suggest all the many other AMD laptops users with the same issue do likewise …it the only way Zwift will stop ignoring us

THEY KNOW they have a memory leak … It keeps growing until the app crashes. The introduced the problem with the last release in Nov 2024.




I have not been able to complete ANY Session.
The FIT files gets completely corrupted beyond recovery.

How long it takes before the crash will vary from person to person as it depends on your route, the graphics resolution and critically how much memory you have in your laptop. I have 8GB on a Levono Idealpad Flex 5, Ryzen 5 Graphics.

Cancel your Zwift subscription and move to Trainer Road until the Zwift developers actually do their jobs.

I have had 2 months if training hell because of these w£@£#£@s :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I’ve had the same issue and it was blamed on my internet etc.
I got a refund for December where it’s been unusable.
I reinstalled the graphics drivers as per Zwift guidance.
I then had a one hour ride work fine, but had already cancelled my subscription in case.
I went back on today, did my 25km free without issue so thought “hooray, they’ve fixed it” - I renewed membership and within 2.3km it crashed again.
I feel utterly despondent with them.

I just installed myWoosh for free … at least it just worked and I was able to complete a training session. I’ll have a look at some of the other options.
But MyWoosh is free and dose not crash so you can get some training in :+1:

Hi folks, as posted elsewhere, we have a Windows-specific game release starting to roll out today, version 1.81.2, which we believe will address this issue. Once the update is available for you, please give it a try and if you continue to observe any issues, please post in this thread: Freezing/Crashing on AMD integrated GPUs [November 2024] - #175

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^^ For me it is fixed. No more RAM overflow. THX to the debugging folks at ZWIFT.

Yes, i gave it a try when i had some spare time outside my training program.

But im afraid the damage is done.

I cant have my training schedule ruined by poorly tested, QA’d unreliable software.

I switched to Roovey and ill be staying with them. They saved my training schedule.