Companion app german localization issues

So the german version of the app still got the distorted numbers in the activity screen. This problem has been existing several months now.

Also, the workout bias is translated with “Voreingenommensein”, so the app clearly got translated by a machine, choosing the first and worst translation. Maybe the german speaking market isn’t worth greater efforts. Nobody really seems to care about the proper localization of the app. That’s really weak considering Zwifts costs 15€ a month.

And no, I won’t set my phone to English just for the Companion app working properly.

Hallo Holger, leider kann ich die Antworten und Versprechen hier wirklich nicht mehr ernst nehmen. Das sind doch nur Worthülsen und keine ernst gemeinten Aussagen. Hinhalten und ablenken - sonst nichts.

Das ist ja nicht das einzige Problem. Seit dem vorletzten Update fehlt das ‘ß’ in “Schließe die Lücke”. Sieht sehr nach falscher Codierung aus.

// @Ride_Cyclery:
There are a few more problems in the German version lately. Since Update 1.24 there is the letter ‘ß’ missing in “Schließe die Lücke” (“Close the gap”). Looks like the unicode endcoding was changed for the worse with the first April update.
And the old home screen has some layout problems with the missions as you can see in the screenshot.