Clubs Update: Oct 2022

Hi all,

Thank you for your patience over the past few months!

Since our last update, the team has primarily focused on making it easier for club owners and prospective members to connect and find their communities on Zwift.

Recent developments from the team :hammer_and_wrench:

Zwift Companion Training :billed_cap: - This guided onboarding experience encourages users to discover the key features that enhance the social experience on Zwift. The ‘learn and earn’ tasks include:

  • Follow a Zwifter
  • Join a Club
  • Browse Group Events
  • Connect App to Zwift
  • Chat With Zwifters
  • Celebrate With a Ride On

Users will unlock the ZC Training cap upon completion :unlock:

Featured Clubs :pushpin: - Zwift can now promote up to 5 featured clubs, elevating the discoverability of clubs that deserve the spotlight.

Featured clubs will be at the top of the ‘All Clubs’ page, allowing users to find new or smaller clubs amongst the existing clubs with larger established communities on the platform.

We are looking for active clubs engaging with their members and plan to rotate these frequently.

Club Mottos :loudspeaker: - Club owners now have 100 characters (with Emojis) to add a club motto that allows you to introduce yourself to prospective club members to let them know who you are and what you represent. This is a critical tool to catch a future club member’s eye.

Here are a few examples for inspiration!

Club Member Limit :chart_with_upwards_trend: - This has now increased from 10,000 to 25,000 members per club.

Featured Zwifters - When searching for Zwifters, you will now see a list of featured Zwifters that includes some of the most well-known athletes and celebrities on the platform.

What are the team working on now? :hammer_and_wrench:

Discord Integration - :loud_sound: Discord is an established tool used by our community that adds depth to the social experience on Zwift. We want clubs to be able to share their Discord links for their clubs and club events, allowing members to join with ease.

Club Chat Controls - :control_knobs: Users need to control their club chat notifications to manage which clubs they want to hear from and which they do not. Allowing users to fine tune their club chat experience to ensure it’s engaging, not overwhelming.

Expansion of Club Activities - :rocket: We want you to be able to experience more with your clubs. We are currently exploring the expansion of event settings and event templates.

Thanks for update Ryan.

Discord integration looks like it could be a good thing as an alternative for those of us that prefer not to use FB to get event info.

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Any chance of finally getting these to show in-game? I realise it’s off-topic but the fact that they work all over ZC but are just blank in the game is pants. Always has been.


If someone has already been using the Companion App, where does one find the new onboarding training thingy? (I just want the hat :smiley:) Is this a thing that’s already there and I can’t find, or a thing that’s about to happen and that’s why I can’t find it?

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It popped up on the home screen with a CA release and disappeared once done.

It still seems a bit odd to me that you ‘need’ to actually join a club to get the unlock. I don’t have a specific club that I actually want to join, but I want the hat, it’s easy to join and then leave a club, but that seems like an odd flow. I would have expected you get the unlock from going to the clubs section because then you know about it, and can make your own determination on whether or not you want to join a club.

Hi Ryan thanks for the update is there any eta on this. Clubs in its current format is pretty much unusable as a communication tool.

Good to see discord link as well is being looked at

Bologna please!!

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Well, I was about to ask whether or not I can get the opportunity to do it again, having probably dismissed that bit early on (I didn’t join a club right away).

But…I just checked my garage, and the hat mas magically appeared :smiley: So I’m assuming there’s some kind of grandfathering clause happening here.

Any plans to change or expand the workout offering?


Would it be possible to add the Post to Club option to the Companion app when saving a ride? It irritates me a little that I need to go over to my laptop to save it and post to the club.

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is there any plans to allow club owners to unlock their kits.

It would be great to have a system to enter riders zwift ID where i can unlocks kits. Would save me, zwift and riders a lot of hassle. seems like a quick win to me just need web front end on the clubs page to enter IDs and of course somehow link who is owner for a club kit.

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Did I miss the memo that it isn’t avaliable? We are using Discord links in our event descriptions (clickable) since Club Events are avaliable to organize :person_shrugging:

Hi Gardin,

I don’t get it… We did post the Discord invite link in our Club’s description (clickable) and event descriptions (clickable as well)… I don’t get it what are they looking at into…


It’s the notifications.

I want to see a few things.

  1. Announcements send a push notification
  2. Club chat can be muted per club (e.g zwift insider has a billion message so i might want to mute that alone)
  3. With a club muted i’d still like to be notified if somebody tags me by name.

This is how most social media communication apps work.

Right now I’m reluctant to use the club chat features as i know the constant notifications will annoy members and all they will do is mute clubs completely as that is the only option available to them

Discord link might work i’ll have to give it a test.

I agree with the notifications part, what I don’t get is the fuss around the Discord link. It works for months now…We did include i since the beginning of Clubs in the Club description, and if we create an event, we put it there as well…

The club chat notifications are insufferable. I quit all the large clubs I joined just to escape the noise. I was interested in the clubs, just could not tolerate the meaningless jabber.

doesn’t work for me i see it in description and is blue as if it’s a link but it does not behave like a link

edit or maybe it does work. Not sure what ZHQ update is with discord then seems fine in events and club description.

I get the general impression nothing has happened with clubs in months so they are probably just revisiting old items. Disappointing clubs could be a great feature but progress has stalled

exactly my worry and why i have avoided using clubs chat. Id love to make use of clubs but not in it’s current state as it will just annoy people and potentially push them away from clubs