Club ride chats not showing up to all

Did a club ride yesterday evening and we were having issues with in-ride chats not being visible to all riders. In one case a rider’s messages were visible early in the ride, but later their messages were only visible to a few riders.

We are pretty sure everyone was messaging the group and not sending DMs.

Anyone else experience this?

I know there is Discord, Zoom, etc., but not everyone in this particular group has the hardware and/or is tech-savy to run multiple apps at once.

Hi Sven- apologies for the late reply here but thanks so much for flagging. I have not seen this bug previously reported so brining it in for testing now. Thank you!

How many people were on the ride? And how far apart were the riders? Zwift limits chat and rider visibility based on a couple of factors.

It’s happened on a few small club club rides of 5-15 people, and yes the group gets spread out since we don’t have the keep everyone together option for small clubs.

Number of riders is fine, but distance may be an issue. If riders get too far away, the chat gets cut off. How far apart were the riders when issue occurred?