Choosing Resistance on an Elite Mag roller


I’m using a very basic Elite Mag Roler with 5 resistance levels.

When on number 2, I road the Island full circuit at an average 411w with average 157bpm and max 170bpm.

My last/best 20min power test on the road uphill with a Power2Max gave me an average of 331W with an average 166bpm and max 178bpm.

I’m obviously fooling my self (and others) on the Island.

Resistance 2 on the roller feels like riding flat, number 3 already feels up-hill.

I will try riding on resistance 3 and check the power levels, although I think this time they will be lower then normal.

Any Ideas on other ways to “calibrate”?


Hi Ricardo,

Are you using Rollers? Or are you using the Elastogel Turbo Trainer as indicated in your ZenDesk ticket?

Hi Eric,

Sorry I meant trainner.

Eric just got an answer from Jon.


It was on your list.


My turbo trainer only says mag I’m not sure is a speed, power or force.


Either way all are listed as L3.

that will be tough;))


thanks for the prompt feedback





Okay, sounds good Ricardo! :slight_smile: