Cheddar Gorge Climb Portal

On the Cheddar Gorge climb Portal today it seems that everyone’s finishing time is faster than 100% of other riders on the stats screen after you have crossed the finish line, is it a bug on that particular route?

I got the same thing, when I was the slowest person on the leaderboard at that moment.

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I noticed that Zwift “feature” too today.

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Are you sure it says this? I think the text is “ranked top x% all-time”, which would say that you were slower than that percentage of people. Both ways it is strange. Since I seem to be pretty average on most climbs I could not even figure out which is correct. “Ranked top x%” or “faster than x%”.

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Yes it definitely says this, a number of people have mentioned it across social media, only seems to effect the Cheddar Gorge climb

This is what my Cheddar Gorge climb portal finish screen showed.

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Nope it’s definitely a bug. This time I was mid-field and still told faster than everyone else ever.


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Still happening then

same lol

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