Chat and Support for Cyclists Hit by Cars?

Dear Zwifting Friends,

Just a quick message to ask whether you all know of any online groups for cyclists who have been hit by cars. My husband was hit Friday evening while out cycling and while he is very lucky in very many ways, he has a fractured kneecap and two very painful knees right now. He is a super avid cyclist… Some of you may have seen my posts talking about Zwifting so I can get fit enough to ride with him now that we are empty-nesters. I think he will need more friendship and support than I know how to give while he heals and comes to terms with what has happened. We are wildly grateful that he is alive and that his injuries are not worse. His Strava has been a big part of his riding and I can’t quite imagine the next weeks and maybe months as he is not able to go out and chase the KOMs… I am utterly at a loss as to what to say and do. I thought this might be a place I can ask… I hope it’s ok here. And I would guess Zwift will be a big part of his physical therapy when he gets his brace off. Help.

Thank you for any ideas you might have,

My condolences to you both.

Hopefully his recovery will allow some gentle cycling in the near future which will aid recovery and stop the muscle wastage he’ll suffer through not exercising.
It’ll be a long road back but the Zwift community is there for him.

Maybe when he’s able to get out on the road you’ll be on par with him.

Good luck.

Ride On!

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How awful for you and your husband, Beth. But thank goodness that he’s still with us.

Hopefully you both can find some good support from the cycling community, and that it won’t be too long before he can start some very gentle Zwifting.

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Hi Beth,
I’m sorry to hear about the accident :frowning:
I was runover by a SUV in 2016 and used Zwift to get even fitter than before. I have a Strava post on my strava profile about my experience in hopes to help others cope.
I wish your husband a smooth recovery, feel free to email me

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Thank you @Run.10K.Every.Day , @Steve_Hammatt , and @Alex_Hatziyannis_CRU for your kind words :slightly_smiling_face:. I will look for you, Alex on Strava and let my husband know. Houston is seriously the most dangerous place we have ever lived as far as cycling is concerned. My husband is from Germany where certainly accidents happen too, but in general people are so much more aware that bicycles are an accepted part of the traffic. Here we have a lot of oblivious drivers and even openly hostile ones.
I wouldn’t ride at all here if it weren’t for Zwift…