Changing default window size?

I apologize if I missed an answer but I searched/googled and didn’t find anything.

Is there a way to change the default window size on startup instead of resizing the window by dragging the corner after it loads?

Would be a nice QoL option for laptop/trackpad/non-mouse users…

I always used to have it open full screen from the get go

Would the Borderless gaming app be any use? It resizes apps for you.

Maybe? Guessing that means there’s no config file tweak or anything that can be done in the game itself?

I’ve never tried this setting but zwift preferences zwift-preferences – ZwiftHacks

has a section for window width and height

All this is normally doing it updating the game config files in the background so could probably have a poke around and see what it changes while testing.


looks like it adds to the config section

to the prefs.xml file found in the users\Documents\Zwift folder so you could just add that manually if you don’t want to use zwift preferences app.

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Not sure if something else was supposed to come through there other than “13911244”? Is there just a tag for window X/Y?

Editing prefs.xml seems to be the way to go, though…is zwift-preferences still usable? It shows not actively update in 3 years.

yes i still use regularly to world swap.

my last post didn’t show it right with the brackets should be something like this.


zwift-preferences still works - there just hasn’t been any updates.

Jesper from ZwiftHacks

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That works, thank you both!