CANYON AEROAD 2021 "Tweaked"? Is it fair?

Amazingly I did Four horsemen on Tues with the Aeroad and completed ADZ in 69.27On Friday with the patch installed it does feel heavier especially at around 3w/kg I completed fire and ice in 68.08 Granted I hadn’t ridden as far before the climb but still was surprised at the result.

No, it isn’t. In general this is not how it works in games – equipment is all subject to bug fixing and balancing, and then if you read the fine print in the EULA End User License Agreement then Zwift reserves the right for modifications without compensation. This is all standard practice and legal. The communication aspect of this nerf is, however, not solid.


I don’t know, Four Horsemen is way harder than Fire and Ice. You had already ridden a ton before you got there. The bike only makes a handful of seconds difference.

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So you did get it for free for finishing?

That makes me even more salty for spending the drops

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Specialized participated in the C round of funding that Zwift did.

Even though I have more than enough drops to buy the bike, I knew going into ZA that the unlock at the end was likely to be the Aeroad. There were enough clues and hints around the place during the first week of ZA that it was likely to be the case.

So I aimed to finish ZA somewhat quickly to see if it was true. If I hadn’t received it for free I would have bought the bike after ZA, although not now given the nerfing of the Canyon.

Ummmm you are kidding right? Sorry I am Italian and sometimes miss Sarcasm in English


LOL - Welcome to online gaming!

I agree. Given Specialized’s special status I expect to see the new Aethos become the best climbing bike soon, mostly legitimately, unlike the Canyon Aeroroad. (Canyon Ultimate maybe)

I also purchased the aeroad 2021 when it came out based on its performance. If I had known at the time the frame weight would be tweaked, I wouldn’t have purchased the frame.


Sure. Everything an EULA says is “cool.” By definition.

So Zwift made a mistake, and decided a change is in order. Cool. Why not let me fix my mistake then?

Not cool.


This captures my feelings entirely

It is a common thing by online game.

We could probably expect the aethos to be blindingly fast uphill, for a few weeks until they nerf it too

This is becoming a trend where zwift makes the new frame fast, then they derate it after a short period of time