Can't install Zwift software

I installed Zwift successfully on my laptop today and used it for the first time. I see a lot of potential.

I then tried to install it on my desktop PC (better CPU, bigger monitor, much better graphics capability) but the installer crashes every time.

I’m not really sure where to go from here. Is there somewhere I can find logs and send them to determine the issue?


Email your log files from Documents\Zwift\Logs to with a description of your error (ie “installer crashes every time”) and it’ll get into our bug system properly. Specifying mac or PC helps too in the ticket.

Sorry for the trouble.

I had issues with the initial installation and with some of the updates. Kept rebooting and trying and it finally worked. Another time, I used Explorer to navigate to the directory where Zwift was installed (C;\Program Files (X86)\Zwift) and then directly clicked on the ZwiftLauncher.exe file. that also worked.