Can't complete Workout Challenge (Sprint, Attack, Endurance, Racer's Edge, Cardio Crusher) [February 2025]

Hi there fellow Zwifters!

Today I completed Workout #1 in the Endurance Challenge “The Big Ring”. The companion app shows the workout as completed:

However, Zwift itself does not register the workout as completed:

Could it be, that because I rode on for an extended cooldown, Zwift did not recognise the workout as complete?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

Trying to complete the Endurance Challenge. The first four workouts are marked as complete. Just finished the last workout (“Peak Performance”) but it’s still marked as incomplete. Is it a bug?

Activity id: 1799316885951479840

I´m facing a similar problem with the “Cardio Crusher” Challenge. Finished a workout for this challenge but is does not count. In the companion App I can see the activity, also got the “finished workout” badge. Maybe there is an issue. Already tried to restart Zwift.

Have exactly the same issue today with Peak Performance workout.

Had this problem as well today!

Same with me, finished the last workout for the Attacking Challenge and no completion/bonus xp.

I had the same problem with my last workout of the cardio crusher challenge. It seems do be a general problem ! What can we do? Is there a email for technical support or something ? Thanks !

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Not sure what’s going on, but there are other similar issues with other challenges here:
Can’t complete Endurance Challenge - Bugs and Support - Zwift Forums

Similar here, completed the 1st Sprint Challenge workout, went under white arch, got completion screen but still on 0%.

I have the same problem.

Same here :sweat_smile:

Completed The Big Ring ride for the Endurance Challenge and did not get credit for the ride. Can Zwift fix this???

Taking my place in the line😔
Finished today the last one from Endurance Challenge with route Peak Performance but nothing at the end… And what was even more unpleasant that after that I was not able to turn away from the route nor to do the u-turn…

Same issue with the Cardio Crusher Challenge.

Same problem with me!

Same for me for Sprinting Challenge :neutral_face:

Same Problem with Endurance Challenge after I finished the last workout (“Peak Performance”)

I emailed Zwift support and they gave me the credit and bonus XP for completing the challenge.

I do have mixed feeling with this solution. On the one hand, it solves the problem, on the other maybe hundreds of people are flooding the support with emails…

I´m new here in this forum. How quickly do employees here in the bug forum normally reply? A general answer with a solution would be helpful

Hi, On the 1/2/2025 I launched explosive 30s from the Racers edge challenge card on my home screen, completed the workout, but was not credited it for the workout in the challenge. when i go to the workout menu, it clearly shows that its been completed, any suggestions TYIA