Calories not updating on challenge

Anyone else having the same issue? My first ride of the year registered but rides 2 and 3 (latest today) are not showing. The rides have registered on the calendar so i know they are there!

Yes, happened to me, today … first two rides (Jan-1 and Jan-2) are OK/counted, but today’s ride is missing … Alpe d Zwift = 1.170 kcal or so …

I don’t believe Zwift guys are able to create/manage any event and keep it fully functional. Actually, I’m slowly losing my patience with all this mess … (don’t get me wrong, Zwift itself is great, but all those missions, challenges etc … are just something like "will you try your luck today? "

btw … I can see the ride in my Activities list, but not in mission progress … not sure why …


Miles … I’m going to “mark” @Vincent, here … maybe he can help you with this issue …

Looking into this! Will update soon.

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many thanks for that. I thought it was weird! Thanks @Godmother_Fox & @Vincent

Me too. I just finished TdZ Stage 1. It shows up in my activity feed, and my TdZ challenge progress updated with a thumbs-up in the Stage 1 box, but the calories for that ride are not reflected in my Calorie Challenge progress.

Yep same here. Exactly the same as last month’s climbing challenge.

small update - today’s two rides - 1)WarmUp and 2)TourZwift are OK for me … as far as I’m able to recognize … everything “counted”… both rides are listed in Activities, uploaded on Strava, calories Updated, Elevation/Tron challenge updated … well, it seems I have a lucky day with “Wheel of fortune”, today :slight_smile:

So far I’m missing yesterday’s ride only - exactly its calories only …

My first two rides have now been counted, rides 3 and 4 have not. Maybe it’s just a case of waiting a few days for them to show up.

Also having this issue… calories registered on my first ride, but not the 2nd or 3rd. I had the same problem with last month’s climb challenge, where the elevation from several of my rides did not register towards the challenge. While I enjoy the motivation of these events, until Zwift fixes the reliability of them, they are not worth the frustration.

Problem continues … today’s rides (Warmup + TdZ) are NOT counted, too …
My data (since the moment I’ve subscribed to this great mission) …

All those rides were finished successfully, I can see them in Activities, XP point OK, Tron bike challenge elevation OK (as far as I’m able to recognize), uploaded to Strava, etc … only mission is broken …

@Vincent … You are welcome


@Dave_MacLeod_N.H @Godmother_Fox @Vincent

Only two of my rides still registering calories and I’ve had elevation problems too (created a seperate post for that) and my rides this week haven’t registered for Everest challenge which is worrying. I know there are problems and I’m fairly confident they’ll be resolved. Zwift is a terrific training programme and issues will be inevitable - just hope they get noticed!

Update - today’s ride is … guess what … NOT counted, again
… here you are my January stats till now

                                                    Zwift Mission shows  
Date        Distance   Elev.       Cal   Counted    Calories-subtotal
1.1.2019    35,1        703        844     ok         844
2.1.2019    40,1        198        694     ok       1.538
3.1.2019    34,2      1.146      1.170     --       1.538
4.1.2019    10,2         49        147     ok       1.685
4.1.2019    31,1        333        596     ok       2.281
6.1.2019     3,46        31         55     --       2.281
6.1.2019    36,3        561        720     --       2.281 
7.1.2019    34,3        416        599     --       2.281

Mission shows me: 2.281 / 10.000 calories, which is… obviously WRONG
so far missing: 1.170+55+720+599 = 2.544 cal …

it seems to accomplish this mission will not be easy task … :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@Vincent … any explanation, detail, etc ? Appreciate your reply in advance

I’ve just done a small recovery ride and my calories and elevation have been counted. I’m still missing 3 rides of calories/elevation.

@Godmother_Fox Yeah we’re aware of this bug and the cause of the issue is being investigated. We’re trying to get some updates on our side so when we do I’ll most likely create a Known Issues post to inform everyone :slight_smile:

Mine is also wrong. I can’t even get any of these numbers to add up to the total, so I have no idea what is wrong!

Date Miles Calories Elevation
1/8/2019 27.1 973 1,092
1/6/2019 21.7 813 1,795
1/3/2019 17.8 644 932
1/1/2019 25.7 1,114 2,812
Actual 3,544
Recorded 1,597

I believe I really know what is wrong here :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

btw … just to post something useful, here … let me state my today’s ride is … guess what … not counted again … :slight_smile: Marvelous … :sunglasses:

same here!! I have logged the issue with Zwift support so hopefully something will get done.

Ya mine is stuck at 8616? Did 707 last night and just did 1094 on Stage 9 Tour de Zwift but still says 8616? Not cool.

Also being short changed on calories. For example, burned around 700 calories today but only got credited for 200. It’s only a game but it’s frustrating to know I did the challenge but no credit for it. Still, it burned off the Xmas excess so I shouldn’t complain. :rofl: