Black Squares Game [1.40] [1.41]

My guess is that the testing process is extremely complex with the large number of hardware integrations, the difficulty of doing automated testing with all those hardware integrations (many combinations of trainers and their firmware, etc), the many platforms that exercise different code paths and perform differently (various video drivers affected differently), and all the various features that people use differently. A voluntary beta testing program would be really useful and I hope it’s coming. Ability to postpone or roll back an upgrade would also help. I imagine that a lot of testing happens but it’s clearly insufficient to catch important bugs, as we’ve seen repeatedly. I feel for the testers and I hope they enlist more support. From various staff reports I think it’s also safe to say that 1.39 was a huge merge that came with a lot of regression risk. These are not easy problems but I think it’s possible to do better.

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Done mate — thank you for the tip!

Apologies to all for causing bad typing formatting via square brackets. Even if only causing a visual nussiance


No. This assumption is incorrect.


Well … shucks. :sweat::sob:

In my opinion, word of mouth just isn’t credible. I suppose ‘to each their own,’ but sigh

I love you and want to have your babies. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smile::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Enjoy memorial day weekend if in USA. If visiting, welcome and enjoy yourself :innocent::us:

Is this getting fixed soon? I’m afraid of it triggering epilepsy.

Some taillights are black blobs too; and usually it’s happening on those bikes specifically.

“Catch up to Coco”


It’s been covered and repeated several times.

Will be fixed in the next update Wednesday onwards.

And for someone scared of it triggering epilepsy you are putting a whole lot of mileage in.

If you have photo sensitive epilepsy I’d recommend not riding until it’s fixed.
If you haven’t then shame on you for using to it invoke a reaction.


I have vision sensitivity problems, yes.

All I see is an open and active thread here.
If this issue is fixed, then this thread should be clearly marked and stated as “fix coming soon” and the thread locked.

I got pretty bored scrolling halfway up the thread with people talking about how software bug checking should work.

I think that becomes a problem in a number of threads and nothing you should feel bad about (or be moaned at by others about).
it’d be good if relevant posts were pinned at the top such as explaining if/when a fix is coming.

It’s the 10th post and is repeated at least 4 other times. If you’ve read about software testing you can’t really have failed to see a post about a fix.

My issue is around using medical conditions to invoke a reaction.

It’s diminishes the struggles of others who suffer in silence.


Locking thread as the message keeps getting lost.

This is due to be fixed in the next release (Wednesday).


UPDATE: June 7 - Nope. It hasn’t. We’re opening this ticket again.
Hey all - this issue has been fixed in game version 1.41, which is rolling out over the next couple of days across all OS platforms.


I am seeing the black blocks in dusty conditions in the latest version: 1.41.0 (112387). This is the first time I’ve seen this before. I didn’t see it in any previous version. I recorded a video of the bug, but I can only post one frame of the video here:

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Hi @Neil_Tan welcome to Zwift forums.

Thanks for flagging this up. I’ve merged your post into the thread about this issue.

Just to say 1.41 hasn’t fixed the black squares. Got it today along with black confetti. 1.41 windows 10. Get yellow transparent squares behind robopacers too.

I have just updated mine to the new version , I’ve been using Zwift since Jan and never seen the black squares until today and there was loads on any dirt track coming off the wheels , clearly it’s the dust , I took a screen shot but not sure how to share on here

@j4m1eb and @Vaughan_Wetherill
Thank you both for your reports. I’ve moved them here to the ongoing thread about this issue.

We appreciate the screenshots. Those are always helpful to us.