Bkool smart pro 1

Hi @Sandy_Thomson. Just bought a used Smart pro 1 and encounter same problem as everyone here. Can you by any chance share the update link for Mac again please? Seems you are the go-to person here! :slight_smile: Thank you.

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I would l love to get the windows file as well. I appreciate any help that anyone has to offer!

I know you’ve been at this version sending for a while now, Sandy, but I too would love to get to get my hands on the old version.

Much appreciated if you can lend a hand!

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@Sandy_Thomson Could you please helps us out too? Zwift sent me this way. We have 2 Bkool Pro trainers, both with 3.10. One works with Zwift, the other does not. Hoping the update to 3.25 will help us get the other one going too. It would really make our day!

Johan and Lone

No problem @Johan_A_Hansen , check your messages for links to the software you need. I’m assuming that 3.10 is the firmware version, which should be ok. This fix doesn’t update the firmware version, just switches on the Ant+ FE-C functionality. Hopefully that alone will be enough to get it working.


  1. Install the old Bkool software from the links I’ve sent you
  2. Follow the instruction further up this thread: Bkool smart pro 1 - #4 by Sandy_Thomson
  3. I think the latest version of the Bkool software is 5.80 so when you get to step 5 in the instructions change 3.53 to 5.80
  4. Turn off any other devices that may be trying to connect to the Bkool turbo via bluetooth

Good luck and let me know if you have any problems

Thank you so much!!! Though it seemed to be a little weird with such an “un-official” fix, it did the trick! We are amazed and grateful!

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Sandy - I would love the Mac file too please if you don’t mind sending !!

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Sure, it should be in your messages

Thank you !!! Thank you!!! Thank you !!!

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Hi @Sandy_Thomson, I ended here while reading few threats. Would you mind to send me the links for the older version (both systems PC and MAC if possible) and will try to do the trick as mentioned.
Thanks a lot!

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Hi @Sandy_Thomson. May I have the link for PC please? I really appreciate it!

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Hey Sandy,

i need the loink for the old version of bkool too.
Can you send me the link where i can download the program?

Thanks a lot!

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Hi Sandy
I would really like to “unplug” the full potensial of my Bkool and Zwift combo. Could you please send me the link for PC ?

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Hi guys. Me too! @Sandy_Thomson would you be so kind to share the Mac version of the software with me?
Many thanks for your dedication to this cause and the very detailed workaround info :grinning:

Sure, I’ll dig it out and send you a link by PM. Can’t be many more of these left out there to do!

Sorry but I am also one of the last holdouts with an ancient Bkool, any chance that you could flip me the MAC version of the file?

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Hey, I’ve just been returned my old trainer after 3 years (thanks Covid). Could I get the Windows file please Sandy? Thanks

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Hey, would you like to share the Mac version of the software with me?

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Hi @Sandy_Thomson may i ask you to send me the old windows version. Thank you Daniel

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@Sandy_Thomson would you share the Windows link with me as well?


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