Best training/workout features

Hi all,
would like to know what features are the most valued by the riders; the group, the workouts, the platform? How important is it to you to get a high quality workout?
Thank you

Not been able to get a high quality workout for ages as ERG is broke on Apple TV. There appears to be no recognition that it is broke nevermind an update to fix it.

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Sorry to drag up an old post, but could you elaborate more on the Erg mode problem with Apple TV?
I run Zwift on an Apple TV box and over a year ago now I started to struggle with completing workouts. It feels like the resistance is way higher than it should be. I’ve lowered my FTP and tried scaling back the intensity but I’ve pretty much given up on workouts now.

I think they got it fixed - But im not entirely sure as when I rarely run an erg session these days i will move from ATV to the Ipad as that seems to be a better experience.
My other half completely switched to the Ipad for all her sessions and now doesnt use ATV for any zwift activity.

Sorry I cant be any more help, but it does seem at times the ATV solution is becoming a poorer experience as things progress.