Avg watts vs max watts

So the issues you are having are the same as your earlier thread? I recall keeping an eye on it at the time …

Everyone’s avg and peak will be different but I would free-ride at about 200w and peaks can be 1000w if doing sprints, otherwise maybe peaks around 3-400w if undulating.

What Kickr have you now got got? If you are using internal cadence sensor, then try external - easy gears or smooth pedal stroke dont go well with Kickr v’s for some people.
A few other questions:

  • do you have your Kickr in the sun or very bright light when riding?
  • what’s your FTP (wkg)?
  • have you tried a training workout (while keeping ERG on) - if so, do the power targets correlate to what you would expect? FYI with ERG on, regardless of power target, the speed shown will be the same as what you should experience free-riding in the same location
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