Apple TV extremely slow to update

Takes more than 10 mins for Zwift to update whenever it needs it on Apple TV and either crashes and you have to reload.
How is this a problem this far down the line…

My guess is that it’s because this is not a Zwift issue. I use ATV and updates don’t take more than a minute, and usually only about 30 seconds. Are you on WiFi, or Ethernet? Is there any interference in the area? Have you restarted your ATV, and made sure it’s on the latest tvOS? Have you rebooted your router?

Edit: Just updated my ATV to the latest version and it took 44 seconds. My ATV is connected via Ethernet.

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If this is a persistent problem and you think your Internet access is solid, I would do a factory reset of the Apple TV device.

You can also test network performance on the Apple TV:

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Same as other people, suspect wifi issues. Haven’t timed my updates, but probably under a minute over wifi