Apple TV crash [tvOS 18.3]

I’m using a 4k Apple TV and the latest version of Zwift (1.82). Every time I launch Zwift from the Apple TV homepage it starts to load, crashes and requires me to repeat the launch process. Zwift usually then loads ok but occasionally requires one or two more attempts. Is this a known issue and what is the fix?

There have been a couple other comments regarding 1.82. The usual advice for Apple TV is to force-quit the app after every activity, if that doesn’t help, remove and reinstall Zwift, if that doesn’t help, factory reset the Apple TV. I don’t know if those things will resolve it (could be a new bug) but that’s where you start. You can also contact support and they can review your logs. On Apple TV you don’t have access to logs so it requires a support engagement.

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Hi @MarkSmithWLC, I appreciate you sharing your Apple TV crashing concerns in our forums. This is Monica from Zwift, and I’m here to help you through this.

It seems that your version of Zwift might be a bit outdated. You can easily update the app via the iOS App Store.

If updating doesn’t resolve the issue, I suggest reinstalling Zwift. Additionally, if your Apple TV is packed with apps, consider uninstalling a few to create some extra space.

If the crashing continues, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at

Good morning, I’ve run zwift off my Apple TV generation 3 for a long time without any problems but now when I start Zwift it launches and then crashes then I have to launch it again. I’ve also had occasional dropouts that I’ve never had before. To address this, I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the app - that has not helped. I rebooted the Apple TV. I have tons of space since Zwift is the only application I have on the Apple TV. I closed the app in between sessions. I have seen other people on the forums with the same problem. Please advise.

Hi, @James_Stein, welcome to Forums! I’m Francisco from Zwift Support.

Thanks for bringing up the issue you’ve been having with the game on your Apple TV.

I examined the log server file and identified several patterns indicating that the TCP connection was disconnected. The log file contained a message stating:

“Error shutting down TCP socket [57]: Socket is not connected.”

This issue may be associated with the troubleshooting procedures outlined in the article titled “Issues With Zwift Crashing.”

I noticed that your Apple tvOS 18.3 has been updated to the last release by Apple.

Could you clarify if when you said that you rebooted the Apple TV, you meant that you reinstalled the tvOS system per Apple guidance?

Try resetting the ATV to factory defaults (it’s quick to do so) and reinstalling Zwift and any other apps.

Hi @MarkSmithWLC and @James_Stein
Shuji at Zwift HQ here. Thanks both for reporting this crash. I peeked at your server logs and as @Francisco_J called out - a common thread is that both of your Apple TV boxes have updated to tvOS 18.3 in recent days.

We’re investigating this clue as a starting point. Please keep an eye on this thread for updates.

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Hi. I’d just like to register that I too am having problems with Zwift app quitting unexpectedly on Apple TV.
Sometimes it happens when I try to launch the app. Other times are when I get as far as loading a workout and click Start Ride, then the app quits.
I don’t think I’ve ever had the error repeat itself after restarting the app. I’ve never force-quit an app on Apple TV (not knowing this was possible!), so I’ll give that a go before starting a Zwift session next time.

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Please note this problem still persists with the latest Zwift update.

Did you try resetting (factory reinstall, effectively) your ATV and reinstalling Zwift?

I’m running 18.3 and I’ve never seen this problem on my ATV.

I’ll give this a go, thanks