Last couple of days been riding on Everything Bagel for my workouts and at this point in the picture, the app loses all BLE and disconnects from my Tacx Neo Smart, my Suunto Smart HRM, and sometimes my PC as well. I’m using the Android app as a bridge.
I’ve had disconnects prior to NYC and have tried my best to eliminate anything that may interfere, but this point on the map it disconnects consistantly. Something to look into?
Thanks and let me know if anyone has any ideas to try.
edit: was riding on Everything Bagel not Knickerbocker.
Hey Fritz, a few things. Can you try troubleshooting with our BLE connection guide?
Once you’ve finished all the steps in that link, send us a support conversation and attach your log files for the last ride where this happened.
Support Conversation:
How to find log files:
Thanks Vincent.
Started the conversation and sent my log. FYI - I was actually on Everything Bagel not Knickerbocker. Also, just rode another workout on Everything Bagel and I lost connection again at the exact same spot. Luckily, I was ready for it and was able to disconnect / reconnect everything and gain ERG mode pretty quickly. Let me know if you want this log too.
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