Anyone else get "motion sickness" whilst zwifting

I had a similar experience with the motion sickness especially on the Esses coming back into Watopia and in titans grove When I first started. I use an iPad. I chalked it up to the climber unit . However my iPad was mounted on my handlebar and I was looking down to it and it was super close. subsequent to that, I created a u shaped aero bar using pvc pipe With about 1 foot of length and attached my aero bars to that … I think that helped a lot but the other thing as other posters have written which really helped the most was I basically rode each of the routes and through that learned the map so that I knew what to expect which made a huge difference . Hope those ideas help.

Ride on !

Id like to be able to see the gradient changes. I have moved it further away and look at it less avoid races and use handle bar view so can’t see my avatar. I wore sunglasses too and turned down the brightness

Yes, very much so. I overcame it by tilting my head a little in the direction I’m cornering. The motion seems to fool my inner-ear. As others pointed out I’ll have to try changing the view as well.

I close my eyes during descents