Alp du Zwift

Hi all, I have reached Level 12 now and would like to ride the Alp d Z. I have read about it and watched videos but am not sure where to go to find it. How do I access it? Many thanks, Joe

There are set routes (Road to Sky?) that go up it, but to navigate there manually head towards the Road to Ruins and you will find the turning down there.

And don´t forget to enjoy the well-earned descent! :sunglasses:

Thank you Paul and Sepp

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Hope your not using Apple TV

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Hi Mike, no I use an apple ipad

Why Mike?

Lots of reports that it fails after crossing the line at the summit

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Oh, I’ll stick the the flats then… :laughing:

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It seems that “only“ events are affected by that. I went up the Alpe almost every weekend in the last months, always as a free ride on ATV. Never had a problem.