All workouts due by Tuesday?

Hi all, I have seen others with this issue in the past but I haven’t seen a solution to it. I started a training plan but all of the workouts are due by the same date. Although it would be a mammoth achievement to do them :joy:, it’s obviously not supposed to be that way. It does not update after doing one of the sessions, so it seems something is wrong here.

Has anyone seen a solution to this issue?

Thanks in advance

Hi @Luke_Dandy, I appreciate you sharing your concerns in the forums! I completely understand how crucial it is for you to address the issue with the training plan dates.

This is Monica from the Zwift team. I’ve looked into this matter, and I can confirm that it’s a recognized issue that our development team is actively addressing. Please stay tuned to our forums and the Zwift support hub for updates.

If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at

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Someone else might be able to chime in on this, but since they relaxed the requirements for when you can finish workouts I ‘think’ it doesn’t matter that these say due “Tue Night” I believe you can just keep doing them as you want and you will eventually complete the plan.

It’s been a while since I’ve done a plan, but it used to be that they were more strict on when they had to be complete.

I did some words about this for another query a while back:

(I did a workout plan last July, and there wasn’t anything immediately obviously different from the changes that were made back in 2023 to what the experience is like now)

Thanks for the information. It’s worth knowing that there is the training plan duration plus two weeks.

The main thing for me is the structure. The real value in a structured training plan is the volume, intensity, and periodisation. I may just cancel the plan and start it again to see what happens, or select another plan to see if that is different. I know that it used to work properly, it looks like this is just a bug.

Happy riding!

Thanks for the reply.

The “do by” dates should not be redundant. Without that, there is no structure, and without structure it isn’t really a plan.

I do see from the Zwift team that it is a known issue so hopefully it will be resolved at some point.

Happy riding!

Zwift training plans don’t replace the aspect of coaching that tells you the order of workouts, on which specific days, when to rest, etc. You’re on your own for all that, which means you’re probably better off using a calendar app to schedule workouts in the order you want, after looking at the demands of each workout and planning the rest days accordingly. (Or get a coach if you can afford it.)

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Yeah I think when the plans were less flexible the date part of it was something to pay more attention to, I suspect they didn’t really spend a lot of dev effort when relaxing the plans so some corners were cut and the dates now can get wonky. As long as you complete the plan in the overall time +2weeks (from the other post) it sounds like everything will be ok.

I don’t think there’s a lot of value in restarting the plan to see if the date suggestions change because the date suggestions don’t work as expected and don’t adapt if you shift a day or something like an adaptive plan would.

This has been an issue for quite some time so I also wouldn’t expect them to fix anything here in the near term unfortunately.

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Messing about with Plans it appears that when it says “Do by Tuesday” it means do that weeks workouts by Tuesday following a start of week on a Wednesday, Wednesday being the day you enrolled in the plan.

If you want each week to end on say a Sunday enrol on the Plan on the Monday. Having started the plan, but not done too much yet, you can cancel the plan and enrol again this coming Monday. When you enrol again don’t accept the resume option as this will leave you having to do by Tuesday.

All workouts which you do before Monday you can go in and tick the ‘I did it’ option. So for example if you have done the Mend workout (in your meetup group) and don’t wish to do one of them again just tick that you did it.

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Well that’s also not useful right? It used to be (if I recall correctly) when the workouts were more strict that they had a specific order to them and it wasn’t just “do all of these by next Tuesday” which isn’t that helpful in terms of an actual plan.

I don’t see why it would be that useful to restart the plan just to see “do by Tuesday” for all the upcoming workouts.

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When you say all of these workouts by next Tuesday do you mean all 6 weeks workouts by next Tuesday? I read it to mean do week 1 by next Tuesday, do week 2 workouts by the following Tuesday etc.

Looking at What’s on Zwift it does look like the plan might be in order for each week.

Agree things could certainly be better but I read this plan to be do the 5 or 4 workouts each week in order and by the end of each 7 days/week.

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I was just looking at their screenshot which shows everything being due by next Tuesday, and thinking… that’s not super useful.

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Yes, all 6 weeks of workouts were due by the upcoming Tuesday (ie within 1 week off starting the plan).

I can understand that for some people the restrictive nature of the former training plans was frustrating. What exists today is no longer structured, and isn’t really a training plan - since there is no planning. I don’t actually see much benefit on selecting the plan now (but I may well be missing something)

Perhaps a resolution will be implemented sometime, or they will simply leave structured training to TrainerRoad.

Let’s see where we go.

Happy riding!