Advertised Workout Event Duration not matching actual workout duration

There is likely a simple answer to this however I’m not finding it. On several occasions, I have registered for a workout event (ie. Orange Unicorn). The advertised duration shows 51 minutes (red highlight on the screen shot).

However, once I join the event, the workout timer displays a substantial longer workout duration even while in the start pen (Orange Unicorn was 1h30min). I am wondering why there would be such a discrepancy. It’s frustrating since I plan my day with these values and I really don’t want to short a workout or a ride. This is not the only workout that has caught me by surprise.

After posting this concern, I came across someone who encountered the same problem. It seems like a know issue and has yet to be fixed. I can’t include a link to the post however here is the forum tracking number: 626067

Yes it’s been a problem for a long time. Back in February @shooj said it was fixed.

The same problem has been reported about the Escalation group workout. I informed the events team about that on Dec 5 but haven’t checked back to see if anything happened.