Add option to export list of who you are following and your followers

Ability to export each list to a text file - just names, no pictures, no flags (maybe country name though) - of;

  1. Your followers
  2. Who you are following

Scrolling through the lists on ZCA is painful. Only a random 200 are available from the zwift website.

What is the requirement for such a list?

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Scrolling through the lists on ZCA is painful. You can’t copy/paste the lists from ZCA and you can’t see the entire lists any other way.
Could compare lists to see who I am following, but who aren’t following me. You can’t see that in ZCA but you can see the opposite in the followers list. Easier to see who I might not want to see in my activity feed anymore.

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I’m guessing it could be if someone isn’t following you anymore they get unfollowed as well.

I have to say I don’t really take notice of the following/followers function. I follow a few people and only a few people I know follow me, but my activities are by default set to private.

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