Any ideas out there to resolve a technical issue. I’m on day 3 of 7 day trial - completed 2 previous rides - logged in today - selected a workout - started race (with view defaulting to another rider0 but when I hit the Return to me button the ride was on pause and I could not take pause off (button not available when I side swiped) - so rider stuck at side of road! Watts were showing - but no distance. Would love to finish trial period but it is not working
What device are you running the trial on? The trial on iOS only gives you about 15.5miles:
hi Paul - it’s an iPad on iOS 12.1.1. On my previous 2 rides I’ve done almost 2 hours and completed around 40 miles already
so according to the link you sent - I need to Join Now (ie.sign up) but I will have the option to cancel after the 7 days are up if I’m not happy to go ahead?
Paul is right on the money there! It looks like your initial 25 km limit was reached, so you’ll need to select ‘Join Now’ and sign up through iTunes to start your 7-day free trial.
You can cancel the subscription at any time before the end of the 7 days without being charged. iTunes will let you know the exact time that your free trial will end, so you’ll just need to cancel before then if you aren’t feeling like Zwift is for you.