I think the 10th anniversary kit was only available as an unlock after completing one of the “Birthday bash” rides, which were held over 1 weekend last month?
Aha, beaten by Paul. Was already searching in what topic @Andy_T1 asked for the jersey.
Late join and a time based ride. Cant get much easier to obtain the kit Andy
You (or someone in your household) could log into the ride before the start and keep it running, then you just start riding whenever you want. You’ll be riding all alone, but you’ll get the jersey.
Just join the event. On the day itself join when they event already is started from your phone. Do that before 30 minutes is past. You will than late join the event with the riders. Just let it roll and wait till the event is over et voila.
No need to be home, no need to be ona bike, just join from your sofa and get the kit.