10th Anniversary jersey

I’ve seen a couple of riders wearing a jersey that looks very much like this:

… but there was no jersey reward for completing the ‘Train Together’ challenge.

Is there another way to get this jersey? Or was it a reward for some challenge that’s no longer available? (I really like the colour scheme :laughing:)

Thanks for any tips!

You get the virtual jersey with completing all 5 stages of Tour of Watopia

or if you want a real Jersey.

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I think the 10th anniversary kit was only available as an unlock after completing one of the “Birthday bash” rides, which were held over 1 weekend last month?

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oh yeah maybe i got that wrong was thinking of the ToW jersey

You could also obtain it on the clubs community rides those days.

@Peter_Twigt does that mean it’s no longer available? Thanks.

I am afraid so. But who knows it might come back in future events.

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It’s back:


Aha, beaten by Paul. Was already searching in what topic @Andy_T1 asked for the jersey.
Late join and a time based ride. Cant get much easier to obtain the kit Andy :wink:


Really appreciate the tip – thanks guys!

Unfortunately I can’t make that time on the 28th. I’ll keep hoping for another way to unlock this jersey … :grin:

You (or someone in your household) could log into the ride before the start and keep it running, then you just start riding whenever you want. You’ll be riding all alone, but you’ll get the jersey.

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I didn’t know that could work. Thanks for the tip!

Unfortunately that won’t be possible on the 28th. But I’ll keep it in mind for other events :+1:

Technically I don’t think you even need to ride it just join the pen and sit there until the ride finishes is enough to get the unlock

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Thanks for all these suggestions!

The issue is I won’t even be here, and nor will anyone else to fire up the Wahoo etc.

Zwift on your phone, HRVP app with a HRM, and you are “riding” :trophy:

late join from iphone without HRVP and sit in the pen to the end :rofl:

Just join the event. On the day itself join when they event already is started from your phone. Do that before 30 minutes is past. You will than late join the event with the riders. Just let it roll and wait till the event is over et voila.

No need to be home, no need to be ona bike, just join from your sofa and get the kit.

Thanks for all these ideas. But I don’t know how to join the event – even from my phone – without connecting the phone to the power meter.

When you log in and see the pairing screen, just press skip. You will than go to the homescreen, where you can start the ride.

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Wow. I did not know that. I’ll try it! Thanks to all who’ve posted here.