ZwiftPower Category Update [March 2023]

i would also like to request this


Is there anything on that linked info page which actually points you to Sorry if my quick search missed it.

Thank you brother. it’s just easier to get to it through zwiftpower for some. I never look at my actual zwift feed

Also apparently backdating all of the comments from today (3/28)!


Seems to have now updated David. I guess it was just taking a while. Thank you

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Do you still have to produce A+ results within the 90 day periods to maintain A+ status or is this no longer necessary? Will the A+ status just permanently remain now?

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They should probably have some way to do an auto-force profile refresh for anyone that has an “E” category to reduce the confusion.

Will the A+ status just permanently remain now?

  • zFTP > 4.6 w/kg AND >300w

Is the only condition needed

Ok, so we just need to avg 4.6 wkg for 20 mins? It no longer takes the 95% of 20 mins?

a zftp of 4.6 probably requires a higher 20 min in most cases. the percentage will depend on a lot of things

The old way was pretty cut and dry. They took 95% of your 20 min wkg output. Usually 4.9 wkg for 20 mins would get you over the 4.6 wkg. I’m trying to verify if that is still necessary or now it’s just avg 4.6 for 20 mins without the 95% calculation.

It’s neither. See the section in the CE FAQs on “How is my minimum category calculated?” on the Zwift support page.

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Anybody else now an A+ who doesn’t feel like an A+, those are the guys who can ride Z2 while I am huffing and puffing…this may lead to an epidemic of identity crises.

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Yes, it doesn’t tell you how they calculate it. Just what data is used to go into the calculation. Whatever, I enter A in all races regardless.

It’s basically just a CP calculation where the full power curve is used for estimates. There’s plenty of other discussions in the forums on it, so I’ll save this thread from repeating.

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Why was the link seen as redundant? Isn’t it more useful given the increased focus on CE?


Agree with others that the link to the data that is used to calculate the category needs to be on the ZP profile. Also when looking at the Zwift Feed data a flag to show what date/event/ride that zFTP was calculated from would be useful. So that we can see if we are at day 59 for example so we know we may be on the brink of a Cat drop.


Probably redundant was not the best word. The UX experience of navigating users away from the site either on the same or other tab is never ideal, and given that the link was to provide the same “core information” that was the reason for the removal. But it can easily be added back.

totally agree! I have just finished a race, went to look at my stats and was surprised to see I was now E category and had zero idea why - thankfully after a while of digging around, found this thread.

This update pretty much kills the old ZwiftPower category system though doesn’t it?

If ZwiftPower isn’t showing the old ZP category anymore then no one is going to know, for certain, what their category is (unless they want to go back through the last 90 days of their activities and manually calculate it).

I guess race organisers who wish to continue using the legacy system will need to develop their own categorisation system (or use the ZwiftRacing app one) because they won’t be able to refer to the old ZP categories anymore.

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