Zwift ride crash on W11 and ATV

For the past week, i cannot use Zwift on ATV or W11 as every time i select a ride (of any kind, from workout to race) the application drops out. W11 at 1.43.3, ATV at 1.44 (reinstalled on the latter). Graphics on W11 are weird too. This happens even on Just Watch, or selecting a Run - any world simply drops the game out. Android, at 1.44, is fine. How can i get assistance with this? Thanks

Which version of the Apple TV do you have?

Hi, the latest one, i only bought it in December. 3rd gen. As i say, its not an issue with ATV per se, as the same occurs on a Windows 11 laptop. At any point, entering a Zwift world causes the programme to exit to the desktop. Connecting to Zwift, navigating menus etc, is all fine, until starting a ride. It’s as if loading the world data causes the crash, but how can that be occurring on two totally different platforms? The graphic issues i posted above are also odd, affect Win11 only, and started at the same time.

Hello @Mike_Wall_COPZ , are you on the latest graphics drivers for your GPU? Many crashes are due to out of date graphics drivers and the issue may be resolved just by updating them. If you visit our Issues With Zwift Crashing support page, we have links to Intel, AMD, and Nvidia driver update pages.

If your graphics drivers are up to date on Windows and your Apple TV is producing the exact same issues, then please don’t hesitate to reach out to open a Support ticket.

Hi Rowdy, yes as per my post, it is exactly the same issue on ATV and W11, so cannot be down to drivers. I am a daily user of Zwift up until this incident, so something has changed to make this happen.

And a stupid question probably but from that link, how do i raise a support ticket? Contact management is down due to an outage. Do you mean send an email to I’ve done that and yet to have any acknowledgement

No, you can’t do it by sending an email. Go to and you’ll initially get a chatbot that will suggest things to try and help. Keep telling it that it’s answers don’t help and you’ll eventually get through to a form that you can fill in to contact support directly.

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Thanks, all great apart from the system appears to be having an outage!

‘To bypass these options and contact our team, select Contact Support below’

Select Contact Support

Cycles back to ‘What can we help you with today?’


It’s an infinite loop. There must be a better way to deal with a customer who’s used the product for seven years

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Our Community Support software that allows you to contact Zwift was having issues yesterday. They’re mostly resolved today, but we’re working with the software vendor to smooth out some remaining issues.

Ordinarily - that process works smoothly. Our apologies for your frustrating experience with it.

Thanks! Ill have to try again tomorrow, unless you can turn this issue into a ticket for me. I tried again today - it appears i can enter a world on Win11 through a structured workout, but any kind of other ride throws me out. Text graphics are still crazy. Mental!

This is the first report I’ve seen of this issue. It doesn’t appear to be widespread, so we’d like to help you dig into your specific situation. It’s best to contact one my Support colleagues offline, possibly collect some log files from your Windows machine to look for clues. We don’t allow text file uploads to the forum (it’s a malware vector), so please contact us and let’s get you sorted.