Zwift Hub and 0 resistance

“a refund within 30 days after your delivery” - google zwift hub warranty (Zwift has set up Discourse forum software to not allow links).

30 days is the return period not the warranty period. Plus you should always ask for what you want.

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Again, it’s a 3rd party trainer that they got sued over. I’m not holding my breath waiting for a reply. I think I’d have better luck contacting JetBlack directly.

On the plus side, I’m learning to debug BLE much like I learned to debug RS-422 years ago.

I suspect your contact with Jetblack will be a dead end but I hope you’ll report back how it goes. You should ask Zwift for warranty service. It doesn’t matter if the warranty has expired. What matters is whether they do something for you.

I’m having the same issue after not using it for about 6 months. Can’t get any resistance.

I’m working with swift to trouble shoot but to me it’s clear it’s a hardware issue. If they don’t warranty it, I will go through my credit card

Good luck. I’m in JetBlack’s support queue. 3 weeks of nothing from Zwift. In the mean time, I’m still just mirroring iOS app to AppleTV, and I’ve only had one incidence where I couldn’t ride one day despite resetting everything.


I hope they help you. Reports from previous attempts at engaging with JetBlack indicated that they send Zwift Hub owners back to Zwift for help but I hope you will let us know if it works for you.

JetBlack was helpful. I connected with their app as well. When Zwift would fail (either coffee break or coasting on downhills when I was too far from the pacer), I would stop. Disconnect. Connect the JetBlack app. And here’s the interesting part: it too had no resistance, so I’d get off the bike and spin my crank by hand for up to 30 seconds. Suddenly, the cog would grab. I could then disconnect JetBlack and start over with Zwift.

It sucks, but at least I can ride for now.

JetBlack’s suggestion when I asked for solutions for either Zwift or other apps:

"Put a cassette on and do it the old way. Via your bike gear. " Which I’m not quite ready to do yet.


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Did you ever resolve this? I’m having the same issue and can’t help but be cynical and not see the timing and just after my 2 year warranty expired! Also using the OG Zwift Hub.

Zwift zend me a refurbished one and I send the broken one back to them, at zero costs. So big thumbs up for Zwift

I avoid the Companion app, and now just mirror my iPhone to TV. But even that failed twice when starting my most recent ride. Here’s what I did to get it back:

First, I got off the bike, and reached down to a pedal. It was engaged again, so I got back on, now in a pre-ride mode (0 watts read yet), and again it went away. This time as I reached for the pedal, the resistance didn’t come back.

So here’s the trick: give the pedal a fast spin, as hard as you can spin it. Suddenly, it engages and stops it. One time it took 2 spins. Maybe there’s something that says “no one pedals at 240 rpm”, but so far it’s worked.

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That is crazy you need to do that, and any news of Zwift replacing the hardware or is out of warranty?

Also, just tried using an old wheel on Elite Tuo had lent to a freind, worked perfectly! So seems an issue specific to my Zwift Hub