Seeing since inception of the company, it has raised about $615million dollars in funding. Being a private company I cannot look into financials/company reports. I would be interested to see where the quarterly revenue is going, IE CEO paycheck, insiders, R&D
If there is going to be a price increase, a properly run management should look into internal expenses before turning to trying to increase profits by gouging customers,… done the other way only pushes current and new members away.
I honestly wish I hadn’t thrown out the pay/minute example. My bad and am sorry for that. OTOH, I think tiered pricing in some form, in an environment where presumably on the whole, pricing revenues have to increase, makes sense. At some point there should be recognition that everyone doesn’t need to take advantage of, or feel they’re funding, every feature that Zwift makes available.
I for one would like a pay per ride or per km option as long as it is alongside the current all you can ride option. I am one of the seasonal riders that cancel over the summer and if there was a cheaper option for the occasional ride over the summer I would probably use it.
It’s all just speculation until Zwift posts its new subscription prices. Strava has increased their subscription prices by 50% for 2023. If Zwift follows Strava’s lead, I will be paying $30 Canadian a month. At $30 a month, I will cancel my subscription for the 6 months that I can ride outside. In my case, Zwift would lose $60 a year.
Unfortunately, Zwift services a shrinking niche market. Now that the pandemic is over, people are returning to their previous lives, which don’t include cycling or Zwift. I think most casual bicycle riders choose Peloton over Zwift for the ease of operation and the instructor-led classes. 10 million riders on Zwift seems like a pipe dream to me. Min is sadly mistaken in believing that Zwift will ever approach Peloton’s user base. If Min thinks he has a shot at Peloton, he’s probably thinking that he can charge like Peloton. I’ll be long gone from Zwift before Min asks Peloton’s $55 Canadian a month for his mediocre service.
I think most riders stick with Zwift because of the large user base. As Zwift’s value proposition decreases, riders will move to other platforms and increase their user bases enough to satisfy them.
Maybe. There are a lot of people, myself included, who find overly enthusiastic fitness models shouting hashtagable platitudes at them to be less than appealing. Most of the people I personally know who use Zwift would not use Peloton. I don’t know anyone who uses Peloton, so I can’t tell you as much about them.
Yeah, I don’t know any Peleton users, but lots of Zwifters. Anyone with a bike can buy a cheap trainer, or spend a bit more on a Smart trainer and get going. Peleton is quite a different proposition.
That’s the case for me, for sure. But also because Zwift is currently the best of the crop (in terms of what I like). You’re right that even if something else was better, I’d mostly stick to where the people are; and if that shifted, I’d probably go with them.
I know a couple of Peloton users. One of them never tried Zwift, but the other used Zwift first and decided it wasn’t for him. I’d consider him quite serious about his training, and he works in software development so it’s not like using Zwift was any sort of technical challenge for him. I never really got why he prefers Peloton, but he does.
I started with Peloton which got me down 30 pounds and got me further into cycling. While some might not enjoy the instructors, for another group of people they’re extremely motivating and can cause you to push even harder. The music is also coupled with the workout which can enhance the experience further. I also enjoyed the full assortment of types of classes. I miss that aspect of it - the running classes, strength classes, etc. I’m still trying to figure out how to fill that.
I imagine I would like it more than the commercials lead me to believe, I’ll grant that. I’m also not one for gym spin classes, unless the instructor is way more ‘let’s just work’ than Peloton instructors appear to be. I don’t want anything that appears to be manufactured enthusiasm. But I’m someone who doesn’t like motivational posters either. And if I want to listen to music when I workout, I want to control the volume myself, and choose the playlist.
Peloton seems no different from many many IRL spin classes in those ways, and I traditionally haven’t been able to tolerate them either.
But I don’t want to throw shade on people who do like them. I find that kind of environment awful for my preferences, but I do really like to see so many people working really hard
What’s funny is that I didn’t like Rouvy as much because there weren’t as many people on the roads. On the one hand, I want people to leave me alone to workout and not shout in my face. On the other hand, I apparently still want them to be lingering around on the road nearby Almost like preferences aren’t logical, or something.
One thing Zwift does well that others I’ve looked at don’t do well - the motion of the avatar.
Zwift seems to have nailed it.
The others - some just move the legs in an unnatural way, the hips not rotating.
Some do rotate the hips, but not in sync with the legs moving up and down, off just a bit.
Zwift even has small wrinkles in the cycling shorts.
I’ve tried Rouvy, I just couldn’t do the AR thing.
I get bored doing FulGaz. Except the one time I was doing a ride in the English country side, and there was a car directly in front, and when the car brake lights came in, I for sure grabbed a couple handfuls of brake levers myself. That got my attention.
The other thing I don’t like about FulGaz and even the Sufferfest, is that if I feel like riding longer than the “video” length, I have to stop riding, and load another one.
I do have a yearly subscription to WahooX, which includes all the SYSTM workouts and videos, as well as RGT. But, so far, I’ve only used RGT a handful of times. I created a couple of Magic Roads, but haven’t tried them yet.
As @David_Coyle said, I’ll probably continue to pay, whatever Zwift charges. It’s my go-to cycling app.
Completely agree - it just looks so natural on Zwift - all the other platforms, the Avatars look very odd.
The other thing I think that makes this better on Zwift, is the how the rear camera view is very slightly dynamic as its following you, more than the other platforms where the road is running underneath the static avatar.
I too think, that this would be a big market for paid for customization, how many would love to ride their IRL bike in zwift, their own kit etc. My initial thought on this thou, is that all jerseys and graphics are stored locally on your PC, and the local rider limit is like 100-150? or something (I mean the riders it renders on screen) - having incoming riders from the front or the rear having custom graphics and setups could mean a massive data transfer for only seeing a rider zip passed you for a few seconds.
I would pay a few bucks for my TT bike in zwift for sure (sad I know…!)
I would pay more, but not for the current game. I would expect more work in improving the game functionallities (for me the game physics or graphics are ok… and if they improve them much more I will be forced to change my PC, but the game can be much more improved…
– workout editor is bad… it is not only that you are forced to introduce the each block manually, it is that you are not able to select all option available (flat terrain forced on/off for free ride blocks, or Average power display…). At least to allow the online workout import from external websites like zwofactory, specially when you use Zwift in Apple TV.
– displayed information is not improved (select average power, etc…). I would like to be able to enable/disable much more information (not same when i am riding, racing, doing a workout…). I was always waiting to have a similar display as in Alpe D’Zwift in other climbs…
– some information from powermeter (like l-r balance) is lost (not only not displayed, also not written in the fit file). It would be great a workout mode where we can see that information, but I would be happy only with having this information in my fit file.
– dual powermeter recording is long awaited…
I even propose a “offline mode” (even for limited worlds or forcing loging each week, not for racing. but for solo ride or workout mode).
I like zwift, I use zwif for 7 years now,. But having to pay 50% more, when seing how user requests are forgotten… it is sad.
I do not think that everyone appreciate the value and joy that Zwift brings to indoor riding…and all for a price little over one box of pizza per month!
Sure, there are bugs here and there but these are getting fixed and we get new roads and features from time to time.
I am using Zwift for 2 years and would pay more if needed. In fact, I do pay $3 more for TrainerRoad but that is only because the convenience of training plans/workouts in Zwift is nowhere close TR.
Seeing the avatar move through space gives something that static room would never give. I could not just ride and watch Netflix, listen to music or doing that TR workout. Time flies much faster when in Zwift. And the social aspect of group rides and racing? Wow!
I get much more joy from riding in Zwift for a month than eating one box of pizza . Maybe even two .
No, did I accidentally type somewhere that I was upset? It’s pretend riding a pretend bike over pretend roads through a pretend world wearing pretend pink clothes online…none of any of it upsets me. I was being sarcastic…facetious…exercising smart a$$ery. Relax and have a sense of humor!