after install the last update i had great graphic problem, so i have upgrade to win10
now the program don’t start
this is the log
[23:04:52] Log Time: 23:04:52 2020-11-25
[23:04:52] Game Version: 1.0.58982
[23:04:52] Config: Shipping
[23:04:52] Launcher Version : 1.0.50
[23:04:52] Loading WAD file ‘assets/global.wad’ with file.
[23:04:52] Loading WAD file ‘assets/environment/ground/textures.wad’ with file.
[23:04:53] Loading WAD file ‘assets/UI/WhiteOrangeTheme/WhiteOrangeTheme.wad’ with file.
[23:04:53] Loading WAD file ‘assets/UI/minimap/minimap.wad’ with file.
[23:04:53] Loading WAD file ‘assets/UI/WhiteOrangeTheme/Scotty/Scotty.wad’ with file.
[23:04:53] Loading WAD file ‘assets/UI/layouts/layouts.wad’ with file.
[23:04:53] Loading WAD file ‘assets/Environment/GrassTextures/GrassTextures.wad’ with file.
[23:04:53] Successful audio init!
[23:04:53] Loaded audio banks
[23:04:53] Initializing graphics window of size 0 x 0
[23:04:53] Attached Monitors:
[23:04:53] monitor found at: 0,0
[23:04:54] GLFW ERROR 65543: Requested OpenGL version 3.1, got version 2.1
[23:04:54] CrashHandler: Dump Request Failed
with the previous version of zwift on win7 i havent problem and now i can*t complete my training plan
can you help me?