Zwift Companion can't open

I live in China . Using Android phone, it failed to log in my account. Then the app keep stucking in the home page which has blue background and Zwift on it. After that it react nothing to my command. I’ve tried vpn and redownload it, couldn’t work

Hi @Longmen_Yue, welcome to the forums!
I’m Fernanda, from Zwift.

I couldn’t miss the chance to help you in this matter! Thanks for reinstalling the Zwift Companion app, since the issue persists, could you please try rebooting your wireless network router? You can find a solution with that.

Also, on your Android device, please check if the permissions for the Zwift Companion App to use the internet connection, and Bluethoot, are available, following these steps.

Lastly, you can find some other reasons why the Zwift Companion can fail on your device here. But if this issue persists, please don’t doubt an contact us via email using the Contact Us link on, we will be happy to assist you!

Kepp us posted.