Workout Refresh [October 2023]

Hat jetzt auch geklappt. Danke schön.

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Differnet Workouts when selecting from Home Screen and when in game.
For Example:
Home Screen - Endurance - Endurance #1 exist
But this workout doesn´t exist when try do choose it ingame under Endurance

I hoped the “edit” button in the custom workout section would return this update. I really mis that one. Now, to edit my custom workouts I need to first start one, then go to the menu, then the workout tab, then find the workout I wish to edit in a really tiny window, which makes the “edit button” almost ivissible and then try to edit that workout in the same tiny window, which makes it all but impossible… why not add the “edit” button to the workout when it’s selected in the custom workouts library? Make it three buttons: “start workout”, “delete” AND “edit”

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Using Apple TV v2 all latest updates.

Selection of the next training exercise is a lesson in poor UI design.

First, finding the location of plans, then plan selection with the Apple thumb control, and finally finding the next (or this week’s remaining) exercise is a complicated mess.

Please simplify this.
The default, once enrolled in a plan, should be to open that plan from the main screen. The plan should open to the current week in progress, and advance to the first incomplete exercise.

I shouldn’t have to be challenged just to resume the plan !

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Hi @Deirdre_McQuillen welcome to Zwift forums.
Shuji at Zwift HQ here. I peeked at your server logs and see that you’re Zwifting on an iPad. The edit button will return to most tablet devices in the next game release v1.53. Thanks for your patience!


Absolutely wonderful! Thank you very much! Something to Look forward to :blush:

Don’t know if this is related, but some oddities with the FTP builder seen in week 3. Today’s tempo ride, the ending arch colours dont seem to match the effort. Exams below, the arch should be white/grey as thats the next effort range, but here shows blue

Also noticed the arch colours hues in game seem to be off. .Ie: green looks more aqua blue than green etc


…Today’s tempo ride, the ending arch colours dont seem to match the effort. Exams below, the arch should be white/grey as thats the next effort range, but here shows blue…

In the past, I and a few other people noticed this in workouts also. I thought it was triggered by setting the first part of the interval to low power and the second part to high, and I reported it in 2022. In 2020, some users seem to have noticed the problem with intervals which go high then low, as you seem to be encountering.

Ahhh… Interesting indeed. So still seems bugs around this floating around… Wonder if it’ll get addressed?

Sorry if I’ve missed it mentioned

I’m an Atv + ipad companion zwifter with no pc/mac access so can’t do the zip thing.

Has the 6 week FTP builder been dumped now, I can see a 10/12 week option listed but not the 6


Some more examples. Companion is right, zwift arch colour is right, but teh workout detail on the left is wrong.

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What an aweful update. Really upset with this. Clearly the goal was to make workouts more accessible and easier to find, but all that was achieved is that everybody’s “Custom” folder is an absolute mess. If you had kept the old structure in place and just introduced a “favorite” button, that would have been so much better.

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There’s supposed to be a Companion app update coming that hopefully makes things easier, esp. if you can choose your workout in Companion and then log onto the game and have it ready to go. But maybe the Workout Refresh should have been more closely timed with the app update. According to Zwift’s press release:

An update to the Zwift Companion App will make it easier to explore Zwift’s entire library of workouts before launching your Zwift app. You can review all the workouts available and pick out the ones that fit your fitness goals and schedule. That way, when you get on the bike, you know exactly what workout you want to tackle and you can get right to training when you’re ready to get on Zwfit!

But that was coming in November, which is almost over…

No workout fixes for the 1.53 rollout? (even though bene pulled)

Fixes are in for the missing edit feature on tablets

I was wondering about the workout order mis-matches etc?

They also said

  • Ensured that workouts appear in the correct order in training plans.

But note that the release was rolled back due to an unrelated bug so you’ll have to wait a little longer

With regards to the Workouts, will there be the option to refresh the selection for group workouts as they are a bit limited at the moment…

Hi, Having seen the previous post regarding the Workout Refresh, I have downloaded the Legacy Workout Folder and have attempted to upload them to my Zwift User Folder (they do appear there), however they are not appearing in my Custom Workout Folder on Zwift.
I am well practised in uploading zwo files, however having spent over an hour trying to get the Workous to appear, they are not. There must be an issue at your end.
Can you look into this please?

In addition, it’s the 4 Week FTP Booster plan that I’m particularly interested in. Please could you reinstate it as a Plan? There is simply nothing in your offerings that come close. I can’t be alone in this.


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This was a real step backwards for Zwift. I don’t understand why you didn’t just create an accessible archive of the older plans. I have downloaded but the instructions here are incomplete. Once I’ve downloaded it to my PC, how do I get the workout to show up in Zwift on my PC. It just says it will automatically sync. But it hasn’t. Please give more detailed instructions in how to get the archive workouts to show up on the PC version of Zwift.