Hi, got an email today saying early access will be opened up for workout mode.
Anyone know when this will happen?
Hi, got an email today saying early access will be opened up for workout mode.
Anyone know when this will happen?
hi. i was wondering the same thing. very much interested in the workout mode, just not sure if i was missing where the download was, or if you enter it somehow within zwift?
I logged on expecting to either see an update load or a new feature in the settings. However nothing there, so wondering if I am missing something also?
Same for me, was hoping to try it out today (after the email) and there’s nothing there that I can find.
Train on from tonight’s release
It’s there now. Just launch Zwift and it should update itself to the latest version, complete with workout mode.
I did a workout this am - very cool - I have been riding about 5,000 miles a year on a computrainer and really like the structure workout concept on Zwift
I did the 60-90 min workout and there were a few max power 10 second intervals - the resistance went so high I eventually couldn’t turn the pedals? Is that me or something that will be refined?
Change gear? That’s what I did.
I chose “Jon’s workout” - and 3 issues arose…
1-half way through, all other riders disappeared …
2-I continued to the end of workout and the program froze on saving (but thankfully saved the whole ride).
3- on the parts of the workout where I had to do 170watts for 10 mins there was little resistance so I had to spin to get the watts 90rpm? Using my cyclocross meant I ran out of gears so had to spin a bit more than was comfortablee
Edit - forgot to say I’m using a tacx vortex smart.
No I did not have any of those issues. Decreasing gearing made no difference on the max power. In fact you actually should be doing the opposite
You didn’t stop (pause) or change any kit mid session did you? Oddly enough I had insane resistance issues this afternoon. I picked a training to do and started off. After a short while I realised I had forgotten to put my HRM on so I stopped to put it on. Zwift acknowledged the HRM so I tried to continue the workout. Any how on commencing the resistance went crazy-hard and I had to quit and restart the whole Zwift program.
Workout mode - VERY NICE. I like how the leaderboards (and the associated zPower jersey rage) are not there to distract.
I still don’t see it and I just updated to the new version? What menu is it located in???
No I am not pausing - I road another workout today - same issue on the max power - This is in ERG mode too
Its like program ramps up the power to quickly to wear you cant turn the pedals ( my max power is like 950 watts…)
Michael - you cant miss the workout button - its front and center - embedded in the Ride now button