Workout Done Was Not saved accurately

I did a really good workout tonight, Dec. 7, and did almost two hours with about 2450 feet of climbing…I saved at the end and it didn’t save correctly.

Any issues with this?  

Also, I have connected my Strava and Garmin accounts with Zwift, but it hardly every shows up.  Love to figure that one out, too.



Hi Vincent, I’m going to create a ticket for you. We’d like to take a look at your logs to investigate. Look out for an e-mail! Thanks!

Hey Josie L. 

Today I had te same problem, I did a FTP test of 1:15 and there is only a ride of 40 min in my Zwift account. On Strava amd Garmin connect there is nothing…




Hi Wim,

It sounds like you may have been disconnected part way through your ride. The ride will save partially every 10 minutes, but if you don’t save out properly it won’t post the entire ride and it will not be uploaded to Strava or Garmin. If you send in a support ticket with your logs, we can take a look!

TOdays workout  was not saved…