Windows 10, cant connect to kickr snap


I have been using my kickr snap with zwift for the last couple of weeks, it has connected fairly trouble free via Bluetooth to my windows 10 pc. I’ve also tried to connect it via ant+ but for some reason i cannot calibrate it and there is huge input lag, so ive stuck with connecting via Bluetooth.

All was working well, but i tried to load it up today and now nothing will connect via Bluetooth, i click on speed sensor and have the option to connect to my kickr with Bluetooth but it keeps throwing “no signal” and my Bluetooth indicator light on the snap isnt going solid for connection. I know its not my device as i can connect to my wahoo companion app on android and i can connect through zwift with Bluetooth on my android phone.

I have also tried to switch to using my companion app to connect via Bluetooth but when i click on the “use companion app” button it crashes the whole zwift exe. So essentially i have no way to use zwift at the moment.

Was there a new update last night or something?

there was a windows update a little while ago that broke bluetooth connectivity in Zwift. windows update 1903 specifically.

if that installed on your machine last night, then that’s probably the cause. you can try to roll it back in the windows update history section. i don’t know if any subsequent updates fixed it yet or not.


nope, windows didnt update last night, I also have my windows fully up to date, has been for the last few weeks ive been using zwift, I havnt changed a thing on my pc so it has to be a zwift software issue.

try reinstalling Zwift?

Got it working again by uninstalling all my Bluetooth drivers and reinstalling them, also reinstalled zwift, seems to be working now :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyone ever have an issue with a smart trainers automatic gradient change feature stopping half way through a spin? Had it a few times, probably just Bluetooth.

I’ve also experienced the drop in the middle of a workout. Noticed that it was indeed the bluetooth connection between my cell phone (Zwift Companion) and the IC8-trainer. Closed the Companion and relaunched it, allowing me to contnue again (although in the meantime I was standing still in the game and had to build up my speed again).