It’s a tough route and the cut through can add to it, but it’s simply a waste of time at present with the rolling resistance…
Why is it a waste of time. It is the same for everyone in the event.
It makes racing interesting you can opt to start on a road bike and be fast to the jungle or mtb and be slow to the jungle.
Its a waste of time as when released it was a good course for doing intervals on the route, since the rolling resistance changes it has become a chore.
The change of bike is ridiculous situation for racing - You can only swap bike dependent upon the system you are using. Try doing it on Apple Tv and see how successful it is. Plus just to make that change normally is far to much of a faff.
The above then leads into it not being the same for everyone.
The proof is in the number of users & events in the jungle - it is significantly less than other routes.
Why a chore - the virtual avatar is just going slower that is all. You can do the same intervals at the same power.
Agree bike swap in races should be disabled.
People like the flat routes, the Jungle got less popular when Tempus fugit was introduced.
I’ve got ATV, so bike swaps are a pain in a race. But I like the challenge, and it adds another strategic element to work out whether you’d be faster swapping bikes or not.

Why a chore - the virtual avatar is just going slower that is all. You can do the same intervals at the same power
Not if you use the slope - If on a road bike what was an 8 min interval is now a 10min interval, or a 6 min interval on a MTB and I really cant be bothered with switching between virtual kit & bikes for a training ride.
If you cant see the change of rolling resistance put people off using the area then you blinded by your own bias in that case… Not much more to add…
Edit to add - Gravel track should have been contained to their own world - there could be scope for specific gravel \ MTB routes, and everyone is then impacted the same by it. Would have made alot more sense than mixing & matching in different worlds IMHO.

Edit to add - Gravel track should have been contained to their own world - there could be scope for specific gravel \ MTB routes, and everyone is then impacted the same by it. Would have made alot more sense than mixing & matching in different worlds IMHO.
Agree. The jungle is just terrible. No problem having it, just not where it is right now. Same with the link in Neokyo/Makuri. What were they even thinking. Time to dig some tunnels and pave them.

People like the flat routes, the Jungle got less popular when Tempus fugit was introduced.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can say that for me, personally, it’s the rolling resistance that turns me off. If the Jungle were paved, I would ride it more than Tempus Fugit.
It’d be interesting if there were routes which were balanced whether you’d be better off on a road/gravel/MTB just because it’d introduce more of an element of strategy into races. As I’m on ATV if changing bikes gave an advantage I’d be stuffed!
Sounds like all you are after is experience. Personally I like that the choice of bike gives you advantages on different stages such as the mountain bike being the fastest on gravel but slower on the wooden bridges and the leadin etc, the gravel bike a jack of all trades.
I don’t really care about experience, turning egr mode off for realism even though it would give me more experience.
I prefer to enjoy the journey than race to 50.
Gravel on Zwift is an absolute waste of time and development resources. Someone at corporate decided gravel is popular so we need more gravel. Short little bits of it like in the approach to the volcano from the Italian village are great spots to attack in a race but past that, it’s just pointless.
I couldn’t agree more. I would much rather see Zwift invest development resources in fixing the ever increasing number of bugs introduced with every release then what seems to be random whims of its leadership and half baked so-called new features.
I used to ride the Jungle Route all the time because I enjoyed the fantasy of riding someplace that I could never do so in real life- it made being inside on a trainer more fun. If I wanted everything to be hyper-realistic I would just go outside. It makes no sense to me to focus on implementing realistic rolling resistance on surfaces of an imaginary world.
Have any of you lot ever seen the Pros changing bikes on the Strade Blance or Paris Roubaix after they come off the Tarmac and onto chalk or cobbles . NO.
They just ride…

Have any of you lot ever seen the Pros changing bikes on the Strade Blance or Paris Roubaix after they come off the Tarmac and onto chalk or cobbles . NO.
The faster you ride, the less time you gain with a “faster” bike, therefore the harder it is to justify the time lost in swapping. The pros wouldn’t change bikes on a Zwift ride with mixed surfaces either, for the same reason.
Can we all agree that Zwift should be done with the dust storms.
It does not make anything better and there is evidence that the dust adversely affects GPU performance.
And…a gravel road is not a MTB trail.
It makes no sense to have MTB fastest on a gravel road.
I don’t ride my MTB on gravel roads and if I have to ,in order to connect trails, then that’s the part that sucks.
I don’t think anyone at ZHQ rides a MTB.

Can we all agree that Zwift should be done with the dust storms.
Absolutely. At the very least it should be a user-selectable option in the Settings - Dust or No Dust.

Dust or No Dust.
how much will the banker offer?
Road bikes fastest on road, MTB fastest on gravel, Gravel bike inbetween.
If you take away the MTB advantage on gravel, there would be no reason to ride one.

If you take away the MTB advantage on gravel, there would be no reason to ride one.
You can flip it around and say that if road bikes didn’t have an advantage on road, it would be no reason to ride one.
Just ride the TRON Bike, it’s the best bike for every route!