Which ANT+ to BLE bridge to buy?

Is this the bridge people are buying or is there something else out there in the market?

That one is a very popular choice. Another option is the Viiiiva HRM

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Thanks Paul…so does the Viiive actually bridge ANT+ signals from multiple other sources like indoor trainer, cadence sensor, etc. in addition to performing HRM?

Yep, it does: https://4iiii.com/viiiiva-heart-rate-monitor/

Cable works a treat for me on ATV. Easy to set up/amend/link

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Loyal Viiiiva HRM user here for a few years now. It’s simple, works, and has been problem free.

I actually have the cable and the 4iiii heart rate monitor - I prefer the heart rate strap.
Once HR and cadence are set on it just pairs with Apple TV. The cable is just more clunky and it needs the companion app.
This then causes me issue with my Bluetooth headphones… blah blah blah

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Cable doesn’t need the companion app. I have Kickr 17 and ATV. Controllable trainer is Kickr. Cadence, HR and power all through Cable. No issues. no companion app needed.

I use the 4iiii to bridge a cadence sensor with the ATV. It pairs and performs flawlessly. My only complaint is with how fast it goes through batteries. The battery has to be changed about every 6 weeks.

Can’t seem to get this to work on my Saris/Cyleops trainers (esp Powerbeam Pro) with either AppleTV or iPhone11. It pairs and then as soon as you enter the Zwift world, there is no connection and Zwift no longer sees it when I go to re-pair the CABLE.

Worth noting that I’ve been using Zwift for many years (made level 40 this week!) and am in the electronics/networking industry, so I have debugged this thing pretty extensively. There seems to be something between the trainer/Cable/AppleBT-API/Zwift connection that isn’t playing right. The only thing I can think to do is update my trainer firmware, but given that the CABLE should translate ANT+ (which works fine) to BT, I suspect the CABLE/AppleBT connection is the issue. Maybe I’m missing something easy?

Apple TV OS and Zwift app both updated?

Updating trainer firmware is usually a good thing. Any reason you have not or are hesitant to do so?

How far apart are all of these pieces (i.e., Cable, AppleTV, Trainer)?


AppleTV-CABLE… <1m. CABLE-Trainer…<2m

FW update requires me to lug the trainer to where my computer is located since you need an ANT+ physical dongle to update FW. Or maybe the CABLE can do that? I honestly had not thought about it. I have a MacBook Pro circa 2017 (USB-C ports only).

I’ll try to get my Hammer2 working with Cable, as I can update the FW much more easily via the Saris iPhone App (Bluetooth). That will at least isolate things down to the trainer (or not).

I am using the CABLE and BKOOL Smart Pro 2 trainer.

Everything is bridged ok between ANT+ and BLEE by the little device bit cannot get resistance control work properly. It does control resistance in ERG mode (in workouts), but does not control it properly when simulating the gradient.

Yes, yes, … I tried trainer difficulty slider, and makes no difference. Resistance control in normal simulation is quite random, and does not follow the gradient changes…

Anyone experiencing same problem?
Any suggestion?


Latest update on this issue.

With the recent software and firmware update from North Pole Engineering … it now works perfectly. Resistance control matches the track gradient/incline perfect.


Can a new Garmin HRM-PRO be used as a Bridge to Bluetooth.

I would like to transmit speed and HRM to Zwift.
I have Garmin Speed and Cadence Sensor 5011-336 (old scool, but it still works) that I would lik to mount on treadmill (done it), but I need to find a way to transmit it to ipod.

Currently I have garmin 945, and it looks as if Zwift is not picking my HR from my HRM-Tri, but from my watch, which is by far not as accurate.

I do understant that CABLE, would work fine, 4iii as well, getinf them in EU is a bit of a pain, and getting a new HRM-PRO would be super fast. If I could use it as as bridge it would be great.

Thanks for the help

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I’ve just ordered a Cable bridge because my Samsung A7 Lite tablet doesn’t do Ant+. I was interested by the comment near the end of this review of Zwift device options that Ant+ is pretty-much unique to cycling. It looks as though this technology is nearing end of life?

Off topic, but that article is laughably inaccurate when it comes to Zwift platforms. Not surprised. In fact it’s so bad it’s pitiful. Problem is people read tripe like that an treat it as gospel, because of the website it’s hosted on.

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I’m actually losing count of how much garbage is in it. It’s up there with that PC build guide The Verge did. So, so bad.

I didn’t read it in depth because my technology choices are largely made. What do you think of the point about Ant+ being mostly used for cycling sensors, and probably on the way out, which is very relevant to this thread? And therefore about my decision to go for a Cable bridge to keep my PowerTap wheel usable?

The alternative seems to be to abandon Android as a platform. Obviously Ant+ would not really be an issue with Windows (just add a USB adaptor) or, I think, with Apple devices?