Where are my FTP results I cannot find

I did the test yesterday and saved as usual exhausted after the test thinking I would review later but I cannot find them anywhere.

Your results are listed in a few different spots, see article below.

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OK thanks a lot. Im new to all this Still learning.

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Zwiftinsider is a great resource, if you haven’t already seen it. You will find a lot of answers to your questions there. @Eric_Schlange_ZI updates it regularly so check back often.

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Thanks for sharing this. This did not help me in my issue though. I did a ramp test at one point. Did not update the value because I was testing a hypothesis and comparing lactate FTP test with Zwift FTP test. Now afterward I just can’t seem to find that old results. It is not logged in the workout itself and I find no track of the results. Anyone knows how to find FTP results from different historical FTP tests?

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Based on this reply I think you may be able to ask support for the history

they aren’t going to be listed anywhere unfortunately… perhaps support can help… just keep arguing with the chat bot until it gives you an email option.

I wonder if it would be listed somewhere in the log file? :man_shrugging:

You can recreate the same calculation that Zwift carries out.

I notice you are on ZwiftPower.
Go to your ‘Activities’ tab on ZP.
Search for the FTP test activity you want your figures for.
[ there may be other ways to download a fit file but I use ZP]
Download the relevant fit file.
Use free online converter to convert fit file to excel.
Each row of the excel file will give you a second’s worth of data, including power.
Find the 20 minutes or 1200 seconds and rows of the actual FTP test.
Highlight the 1200 power entries and excel will show you total and average.
Multiply the average by 0.95 and that will be your FTP result.

All in all about 5 minutes work once you know what you are looking for.