Wahoo Kickr Core died

My Wahoo Kickr Core (‘Smart’? trainer) developed a slight ‘scraping’ sort of noise at the start of my Zwift ride today and was very loud and annoying by the end of it… sounds like the flywheel bearing has died. I have had it for about 3.5 years and given it a rather hard time. Repairing it would require the right tools and skills that I don’t have. We only really just sort of ‘rent’ these things as disposable items, so I bought a new one this afternoon with my 99Bikes membership: Normal retail $1299 AUD , membership price $949 AUD + $27 for the cassette, fitted.
(And yes, I checked the belt and it is fine)
All things considered, I’m happy with that :slightly_smiling_face:

There are companies out there that can offer a repair to these items.

Nothing lasts forever I’m afraid but sometimes there isn’t a need to buy a replacement.


Unfortunately, nobody in my area repairs such things, and shipping a 30kg item is problematic…

I will keep and continue to search for options with the old Kickr Core…

I’m no expert on Australian shipping prices but I’ve just shipped a Tacx Neo for under £10 GBP so about $18 AUD.

Wahoo might replace it for you even though it’s out of warranty. Can’t hurt to try.

Otherwise, it doesn’t cost much to buy replacement bearings, and you’ll find videos on YouTube showing you how to fix it yourself.


What do you want to tell or ask us with this story?

Zwift doesn’t kill Kickrs, people do :joy:


See what wahoo will do for you. They replaced my old Kickr snap when its bearings died—well past the end of the warranty period. (They’re also good about replacing Tickr HRMs—but it would be nicer if they didn’t have to do that so often!)

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I’m on my 3rd Kickr, all warranty replacements. Bought it in December 2019 and lasted 13 months, had to send the 2nd one back this past summer (that one made it 18 months) and they sent me a refurbished Kickr 18 instead of a Core… free upgrades! Most likely a mistake on their end, but I “forgot” to let them know… :face_with_peeking_eye:

I just exchanged out my Kickr Snap through Wahoo. Started making the same noises, scraping and also developed a loud hum at high speeds that wasn’t present before. Also had been creaking for months with high power output. Was a year and a half old, so about six months past warranty, and they still offered to replace it.

So I agree with folks above. Contact them and see what they say. Worst they tell you is no.

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“Wahoo Fitness expressly warrants products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the original purchaser under normal use for two years from the original date of purchase”

2 years warranty in the EU

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it’s only one year in the US, but they seem to actually cover it well past that

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About how many km did yours tend to last? I’m starting to hear a rubbing sound on mine which I’m not sure is affecting anything yet, but I’m a bit worried it’s the start to an issue. I bought mine last year and have close to 9,000 km (with 136km elevation) on it so far. Wahoo gave me a completely new tickr when mine started sucking, so maybe they will be nice to me on the kicr too :slight_smile:

Anywhere from 8,000 - 12,000 seems to be my luck.

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My Snap lasted only about 5,000 km before the noises started. Not sure if it’s standard for wheel-ons to develop issues before direct drives, but it seemed to happen too quickly in my case.