My w/kg do not produce the same speed as other riders.
Indeed, after 5 months on Zwift, I still can’t find a group in which I don’t fall behind even though I produce the same or even more w/kg.
So why making groups out of it?
Any solution on the horizon?
I think you may be in a position (as a fairly light rider) where there are not that many group rides at the pace you can maintain.
It is difficult to ride easily, drafting well, when you may be struggling to keep up/hold a wheel.
Some of the group rides you are doing possibly advertise a range and may be nearer the top of the range rather than the bottom.
Occasionally the w/kg of the ride may be governed by the, heavier, weight of the ride leader.
Looking at your activity I don’t think you have yet tried riding with a Robo Pacer. Link below for info.
Try riding with the Taylor (1.1w/kg) group, especially on the Watopia version until you are finding it too easy.
Ascenders has a couple low-power rides. Give them a try if the times work for you. If you have questions about those rides, @Patrick_AsC-Primarch might have answers for you. Or let me know your preferred ride time and I’ll try to find you something. If you post on the Zwift Beginners group on Facebook you can probably get more suggestions. RO4H, WCC, and EZR all have slow group rides as well.
Also, standard advice, never use a TT bike in a group ride since it gets no draft, and use the chat feature to ask for help ASAP when you drift off the back of the group. These rides will all have sweepers who can help bring you back to the group, but the farther behind you are when you ask for help, the harder it will be. Just putting “HELP” in the chat is usually sufficient. Some of them also have people who will join you in riding off the back of the group so you don’t have to finish it alone. This is known as a “party bus”.
I’m probably missing something…but why don’t group rides also state raw wattage targets e.g. ‘on the flats we’ll be targeting 180-200W, this will increase on the hills’.
Or at least state the ride leader weight, how far in advance are ride leaders chosen?
Joining a group ride always feels like a bit of a lottery to me as to what kind of zone I’ll need to ride in to keep up.
Hi Luke,
Great to have you on the community thread with us. I can understand your situation better as you are seeking events that will match your current performance based on w/kg.
While I am not going to kick off a new discussion on why w/kg is not the best matrix for measurement, it is also important for you to know what kind of speeds these events on average or roughly are travelling at that can be matched.
Another consideration might be your Functional Threshold Power (FTP). Have you done any recent FTP test to get an idea what kind of w/kg you are able to reach? It can help greatly to calibrate your expectations vs event pace better with your accurate FTP data.
Do share more so we can also help you fine-tune your search for that happy place within the community events.
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Thanks for your reply. How to I join the ride from your link? Is there a link that takes me to the game event? Thanks
No link was for information only. Also I think I was in a hurry and that link doesn’t give great information.
Try this one:
You select your ride from your in game Home Screen: