UTF-8 letters in chat - For non English languages. Please

I speak English exclusively (sadly), but this should be implemented! I can type these characters on my American keyboard with no fuss, it makes sense to have them in our global community.


Voted ! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::+1:


it annoys me too! Zwift correct it! you can’t write.


Voted🤘 Zagłosowane.


Voted - popieram


voted!its so many Polish users currently that polish letters would be a great addition for us…hopefully you get it sorted soon thanks

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I guess a problem with UTF-8 is that it also enables symbols to be used to create faces and the like. e.g.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

ᗒ ͟ʖᗕ

Also things like ☞ :sparkles: etc.

Zwift probably want to avoid that. It’s not insurmountable, but does add development complexity.

Erm… Yes. I’m not sure what your point is here.

Why would you be speechless anyway? I’m not saying anything controversial or surprising. Just stating a reality. More complex things have a higher barrier to get over in order to even make it on to the development roadmap, and then they take longer to develop.

Show your working.

seem like you had a lot of practice making Phone Art. :rofl:


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I cheat :wink:

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Popieram !! Voted :+1:

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Popieram, Dominik Żaczek nie Dominik Zaczek :slight_smile:

Please also use UTF-8 in the workouts/parsing workout files. When making your own workouts it is a bit annoying that you cannot name them in your native language.

As someone who speaks four languages I’m totally against other languages in the main-game chat.
This is not something pro-English or against-other-languages, this is just one-language-consistency over one global chat.
When allowing all other languages, we could see a messy chat with French, Chinese, Polish, Arab, Finish, Norwegian - at this point I could only say to the main chat - Goodbye for ever! and disable it for once.

And I totally understand that frustration of some people. When lets say they are organising official event (social ride, for example) for their country X where they speak mainly language X1. Most of the riders in the same social event would prefer to speak this X1 language.

Well… hard to find the global justice in the world : ).
But the technology today allows multiple communication channels.
You have Skype, Discord, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber etc…
And from my experience local countries groups are using those others communication channels in order to speak and write in their own languages. What is cool!
Since this way they could speak their language and in the same time Zwift main chat remains consistent with one language.

A bad bug that makes the Zwift experience bad. I see empty text boxes on iOS companion when someone types German umlauts. Not missing or wrong characters, empty boxes. Makes it virtually impossible to follow a chat. This bug should be easy to fix and is there for too long now.

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As you can see. I thought that it’s easy to do and this issue exist until today. I don’t like to be a loser, but here I think Amis are better as others countries. It’s easy to say - we don’t have any issues with it and this is not important for us. I think all European countries together are bigger with users as USA…

I hope that they will do it someday…
Liebe Grüße aus Kaiserslautern


I wrote them on Twitter also. Let’s keep a constant drumbeat on this issue. It really is a shame in 2020.

Any news on supporting non-English characters in chat? At least 8-bit European characters?


The weird thing is that I have seen non-ASCII text in the chat plenty of times. Could it be that the companion app supports UTF-8 but the PC one doesn’t?

And yeah, this is just pathetic. Kyll{h{n ts{ttiin voi ihan yht{ hyvin kirjoittaa esim. suomea t{ll{kin tavalla (eller dansk paa den her maade) but what year is this again?

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