Updates taking forever

Honestly I’m getting sick and tired of it

I get limited time to ride and almost every time I go to ride there’s some sort of update that takes forever-

It says it takes 20 seconds to download but it takes 20 minutes or more with multiple attempts to sign in / out

What is going on with the site

How about an email notice of pending updates so that users can do when not under time constraint ???

Updates on all my Computers and iOS devise takes less than a minute to complete.

What are the specs of the device you are running Zwift on?

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My updates take 1-2 min max.

I use an Acer laptop with Windows 10, 12 GB RAM, an I3 Intel 7100 CPU at 2.40 GHz.

This is not a high end gaming computer.

It might be your internet is slow or make sure your computer is free of Malware etc.

Like on Windows, it depends on how often you fire up the software. If you don’t ride regularly, do happen that an update takes forever. Just start up the software from time to time else if you’re not going to ride.


This is very plausible, I have a secondary Windows PC that i sometimes use to take Zwift pictures ant updates do take longer because I don’t use Zwift on that PC that often. But on my Cycling PC that I use at least 5 days a week it only take a few seconds.

Also my Zwift PC has minimum other programs loaded.

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I’m new to Zwift and this is the second time I have to update it. In the first time it was quite fast, only a few minutes. I have optical fiber at home and its usually pretty fast.
But today it is terribly slow, it is taking more than 2 hours. I have done a connection test and there is no problem with my internet connection.
I have noticed that Zwift has a background downloader, so it you let it start automatically you don’t even need to run the application to get the updates.
In any case it looks like there is a problem in Zwift servers probably because the number of users doing updates at the same time.

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In years they have had shoddy updates. Quicker to download the actual programme so why not update the dam programe to avoid us having to use this ■■■■ server or whatver it is?

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It defeats the point of using Zwift- I ride 2/3 times a week with limited time and the updates take hours to install, so I run out of time to use the trainer - what’s the point


Solution: Un-install and re-install Zwift. I waited over 30 minutes for an update that never came, then re-installed and it took less than 5 minutes to launch.

I am using a modern Windows 10 gaming laptop with 32 Gb of ram, latest Gen i7, and dedicated GPU. I am hard wired via Ethernet into modern netgear router. Download is 178 Mbps, and upload is 10 Mbps.
This must be a bug for some particular hardware, but definitely NOT the fault of internet or device. Most likely a Zwift software bug they should work to fix.

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Same here. Sometimes it takes forever downloading the update. It’s downloading now with a speed of 641 kB/sec, while I have fast internet. And yes, I’m in my cycling shorts waiting for the time to tick by. It’s not my hardware. I’m on a fast MacBook Pro. Please fix this Zwift.


Kind of related.
The Zwift start up is starting to take a lot longer than before.
I think it’s 2-3 min.
Other than this, I have no problems.
I use an older laptop i3 something with Windows 10 and a standard disc drive (non SSD).
Would uninstalling and reinstalling help?
If startups are just longer, that’s ok.
I’m just wondering if everyone is experiencing this.
I don’t want to introduce any new problems.


I tend to do a full reset of my pc every 3 months which gives a speed increase each time.

However changing from a HDD to SSD was a revelation. Halved loading times.

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By full reset, do you mean uninstall and reinstall Zwift or something more?

Windows 10 has an option to do a reset. It will effectively wipe windows and reinstall it. You will need to install your apps including Zwift after. There is an option to save your personal files.

I don’t keep anything on mine so I don’t bother.

Francis J agree 100% with you and having the exact same issue. Zwift needs to change their constant updates, waiting 20min plus for updates if I don’t log into zwift every 2nd day. Definatley looking at any other platform because of this.

Again I would urge you to look at your equipment and setup. Millions of users update without issue.

Wow such a bad response…do u work for Zwift…Again…i havent spoken to you buddy! This issue have been coming since 2019 and Zwift still haven’t fixed it. My equipment is very similar to the gent who I quoted, ram is 8GB. I have had a account for almost 2 years and the experience on this has been the same if u don’t log in every 2nd/3rd day. I suggest Zwift look into this instead of playing the equipment card.

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I don’t work for Zwift no. I’m one of millions of users who are happy with how things are. There aren’t updates every 2 or 3 days, not even close. There is generally a monthly update with the odd urgent bug fix here and there. So maybe 2 a month.

Your RAM is pretty much irrelevant in terms of update speeds. You either have a software issue with your setup which is choking the speed or an ISP related issue. If the problem lied solely with Zwift then the forum would be littered with people complaining about the same issue.


What is your system specs. Ill test the various and feedback. Usings 20m fibre line …line is clear when these updates run. Like i said had the updated every 2/3 and u can see others are having similar issues.

In order of importance, for quick Zwift updates:

  1. Internet download speed (and just as importantly, ensuring ports aren’t blocked/restricted).
  2. Storage speed; mechanical hard drives are basically terrible.
  3. How up to date your system is with other Windows updates.
  4. Prevalence of unnecessary anti-virus software and other bloatware.
  5. CPU performance.

On a decent internet connection, with an SSD and a well maintained Windows 10 system, the monthly Zwift updates should take no more than a couple of minutes at absolute maximum. Most patches being under a minute. Anything more means there’s a bottleneck somewhere else in your setup.

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