Hi there everyone, hoping someone could shed a bit of light on a little problem / annoyance.
As mentioned I get a tyre slippage warning ( yes everything is checked, double checked & re checked, tyre pressure is within limits, 2-3 turns on the T/trainer, speed & cadence senors have new batteries & the gap is within the limit & do not dropout, ANT+ sensor is less than 3 ft away from the bike) I get sporadic warnings, could this be down to the internet connection as the bandwidth in this area is quite unstable, the ping is anything from 50- 300 ms when using a USA westcoast server, so does Zwift use the internet to make the calculations for the power readings or is it done on my machine.
Would getting a power meter help resolve this issue I live & work in the middle east & I’m travelling back to the UK mid January & will buy one there if need be, I dont really want to spend an unnecessary amount of money if its not going to help resolve this annoying problem.
My setup is : Kurt Kinetic road machine, cateye speed & cadence sensor, Cyclops ANT+ dongle & Garmin heart rate sensor
Thank you in advance.