Hi, this may be covered elsewhere but my search for ‘lag’ didn’t pull anything up.
I have a 5-7sec lag between me putting out/dropping off power and the game reflecting this. Its definitely not making racing easier.
I am currently running latest version of Zwift on my PC, am using a Neo 2T, and connect via ANT (FEC). I have tried updating my ANT cable and dongle, and moved this from near turbo to nearer computer but no change there. No difference to lag in changing from 3sec average and 1 sec average power showing, just less fluctuation (as you’d expect but I’m trying everything). I suspect its to do with the router being 150m away in the house while I’m in the shed. This is fast and pretty reliable broadband. I haven’t had many known dropouts, but the lag is around 6 seconds (according to game clock - if I start a sprint at 12:00 the game will show increase in watts at around 12:06, not ideal for racing as you can imagine). Racing means I’m using the Neo to transmit to game and PM is dual recording to Garmin. Any ideas how I can reduce that lag, please? Thank you.