Treadmill recommendation for Zwift - 2025

Hi all

Can see plenty of posts on “best treadmill” for Zwift etc on here but wondering if anyone has any recent recommendations for a treadmill (with Bluetooth) to use with Zwift?

6’4" and 83kg. Need top speed to be 20kmh minimum. Budget ideally around £1,500 (give or take).

NoblePro seem to be appearing a lot but is this just good marketing or are the products actually reliable/sturdy enough? Any other brands at a similar price point worth looking at?

Thanks in advance

@Run.10K.Every.Day knows Noble Pro

If you’re a Facebook user you could also post this question in the Zwift Runners group

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Thanks @Paul_Southworth.

Hey @Danny_o15

I’m a NoblePro ambassador so can advise.

I’m a treadmill running specialist so can give you all sorts of hints and tips. If you’re on Facebook drop me message there. If not let me know and I’ll private message you here with my mobile number.

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Thanks @Run.10K.Every.Day . Will drop you a Facebook message